Carolingian Romance

Charlemagne and Alcuin, Jean-Victor Schnetz, 1830



Abilant - Saracen king [A] [KS]

Abisme - Saracen knight, he is killed by Turpin [KS] [SR]

Abrante - Son of Cymosco [OF]

Acart of Flors (Acharz of Amflor) - Saracen king, he is killed by Roland [A] [KS]

Achiro - King of Judea, saracen knight [LRF]

Adaliz (Adelais) - Daughter of Pépin the Short and Bertha Broadfoot, younger sister of Charlemagne, she was born after the death of Pépin, she is educated by Vinant of Lamburg, she marries Girard Swan [KS]

Adalroth (Aelroth) - Saracen knight, nephew of Marsilius, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Roland [KS] [SR]

Adein - Daughter of Huidelon, sister of Naimon, wife of Charlemagne [KS]

Admiraldus - Saracen king of Babylon who sent Ferracute to Nager [HCG]

Adrian - Pope Adrian I, he gave Charlemagne the right to appoint church leaders throughout France and Saxony [KS]

Adriano - Knight and king [OI]

Aganor - Saracen knight, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Aglavia - Unpleasant daughter of Milun, she marries King Hugon, she is a sorceress who can disguise her appearance and transform herself into a snake [KS]

Agolant (Agolante, Aigolandus, Argolander, Agulandus) - Saracen King of Africa, son of Barbante, brother of king Bramante, father of Troiano, Aumont, and Galaciella, grandfather of Rogero, he sends the four idols of Makon, Mahomet, Tervagant, and Jupiter to Arabia to have them decorated with gold and gems, he conquers all of Spain and invades Gascony, he demands that Charlemagne surrender to him, he receives Aumont's severed head in reply, his headquarters are in Reggio, he wears his hair in a long braid that reaches to his saddle, he is killed by Claron [A] [HCG] [KS] [LRF] [OF] [OI]

Agoriante - Giant saracen knight from the mountains of Giron and Gozari, he is killed by Milo of Anglante [LRF]

Agramante - Saracen king of Africa, the son of Troyano, his horse is Sisifalto [OF] [OI]

Agranore - King of Agrigento [OI]

Agrican (Agricane) - Saracen King of Tartary, his sword is Tranchera, he loved Angelica, but was slain by Roland, father of Mandricardo [OF] [OI]

Aigualdo - Duke of Ireland [OI]

Ailis (Alfing) - Saracen king of Majorca [HCG] [KS]

Akard of Mesines - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights [KS]

Alanardo - Count of Barcelona [OI]

Alapan the Huge - Saracen knight, he is killed by Ermoen [KS]

Alardo - Son of Aymon [OF] [OI]

Alberic of Burgundy (Albert) - French knight [HCG]

Albrizac - Necromancer [OI]

Alcestus - Thracian warrior and suitor to Lydia [OF]

Alcina - Evil sorceress who rules an anchanted island, sister of Logistilla and Morgana [OF] [OI]

Aldigier - Bastard son of Buovo, lord, with his brothers Viviano and Maugris, of Aigremonte, cousin to Ricciardetto and the other sons of Aymon [OF]

Aldrat - Treacherous French knight, cousin of Ganelon [F]

Aleria - Guidon’s most loyal wife [OF]

Alfamie (Alfanie, Alphanie) - Saracen princess, daughter of King Garsia, lover of Clarel, she heals Ogier the Dane [KS]

Alfrera - King of Sri Lanka (Taprobana) [OI]

Alibante of Toledo - A Moor [OI]

Alicardo - Saracen knight [LRF]

Alie the Red King - Saracen king, father of Floriz [KS]

Aliel - Demon summoned by Balisardo [OI]

Aliste (Elisetta, Falsetta) - Daughter of Guglielmo of Mayence and Margiste, mother of Rainfroi and Heudri, childhood companion of Bertha Broadfoot, she looks exactly like Bertha Broadfoot, she takes Bertha's place in bed on her wedding night, she trades places with Bertha, she sleeps with King Pépin, she accuses Bertha of attempted murder, she takes Bertha's place as Queen of France, her two sons Rainfroi and Heudri are bastards, she raises taxes, steals from the peasants, and is hated by the people of France, she and her sons are banished to the Abbey of Montmartre as punishment for the plot to kill Bertha Broadfoot, she plots to take revenge on Pépin and Charlemagne, she is burned to death as punishment [BGP] [LRF]

Alix (Laurence) - Wife of Gautier the Vavasour [G]

Alkain (Alcain) - Pagan King of Almarie, lover of Sibilia, Sibilia gives him a golden staff as a token of her love, he owns an expensive horse with a saddle-cloth of an unknown material that was made in Elfland, he loses a joust with Baldwin who robs him of his sword, horse, and golden staff [KS]

Almaçur of Moriane (Modan of Eyirana) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Sanson [KS] [SR]

Almanzor (Altamont, Altumaior) - Saracen king of Córdoba, he and Ibrahim escape from the Battle of Pamplona, he loses a battle against Charlemagne and agrees to submit and pay homage, he is baptized, he is allowed to hold Córdoba in fiefdom to Charlemagne [HCG] [KS]

Almingrada (Hermengarde) - Sister of Desiderius, wife of Aymeri [LRF]

Alon - Duke killed by Girard of Fraite [A]

Alori of Biterna (Aloris) - Treacherous Lombard knight, cousin of Ganelon, he carries the oriflamme, he flees from battle in cowardice, he and Renier argue about leaving the twelve peers for dead in the tower of Aigremoine, he and Hardré give Charlemagne poisoned wine to drink, he plots to hang Gautier the Vavasour, he and Gui of Hautefeuille abduct Charlemagne [F] [G] [GB] [KS] [OTD]

Alzirdo - King of Tremisena (Tremizon) in Algeria [OF] [OI]

Amalun - Counselor of Widukind, he is killed by Naimon [KS]

Amandras - Saracen knight, King of Tintagor [A] [KS]

Amaris (Almaris, Amalre) - Saracen knight, King of Balverne [KS]

Amaufroi - Nephew of Thierry, he and Ferraut are ambushed while taking Thierry's possessions to Angers, he jousts with Alori and wins his horse, he loves Blonde [G]

Amboin of the Neuve-Ferté - Kinsman of Ganelon, nephew of Gui of Hautefeuille, treacherous French knight [G]

Amerigo - Duke of Savoy [OI]

Ami and Amile - Two pilgrims that are inseparable, even after death [OTD]

Amphilochius of Iconium (Amphilotus Iconiensis) - Ancient Bishop of Iconium who convinces Theodosius to pass laws against the heretical beliefs of Arianism [KS]

Amusten - Treacherous Saracen knight, he is a king, he boards the ships and flees to Africa [KS]

Andefroi (Andelfreus) - French knight, he and Droim gather an army of squires to attack Aumont [A] [KS]

Andronica - One of Logistilla’s ladies, (symbolising courage) in company with Fronesia (wisdom), Dicilla (honesty) and Sofrosina (chastity) [OF]

Angelica - Princess of Cathay, daughter of Galaphron, wife of Medoro, and the most beautiful woman in the world [OF] [OI]

Angiolin of Bayonne - French knight [MO]

Annzeals of Hoenborg - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Anquetin the Norman (Ansquetins, Ankerin, Arnketil) - Duke of Normandy, he kills Boïdant, he is killed by Aumont and his soul is carried away miraculously by angels to paradise [A] [KS]

Anseïs the Dauntless (Anséis, Ansuigi, Anserigi, Angsis) - French knight, son of Girard of Fraite, cousin of Astolfo, Roland, and Renaud, king of Germany, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Turgis of Tortolosa, he is killed by Malquiant, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [KS] [LRF] [MO] [O] [SR] [WC]

Anselmo of Ripa - Father of Pinabel [OI]

Ansuardo - Count of Lorraine [OI]

Ansuigi - French knight, Bastard son of Bernard of Clermont [LRF] [MO]

Antelme the Brave - Count of Tours, uncle of Richer [A]

Antifor of Albarossia - Christian knight [OI]

Anzelin of Varegne - French knight, he is killed by Aumont [KS]

Apolin (Apollo, Apollon) - Saracen deity, often considered as part of a trinity, one of four idols carried by the army of Aumont [A] [F] [KS] [MO]

Apolline - King of Rassia, saracen knight [LRF]

Aquentino of Cenis - French knight [LRF]

Aquilant - Saracen king of Luiserne [GB]

Aquilante the Black - Son of Oliver, his brother is Grifone the White [OF] [OI]

Aquilon of Bavaria - Duke of Bavaria, high baron and advisor of Pépin the Short [BGP]

Arapa of Florient - Saracen knight, he kills Girard of Orléans, he is killed by Otuel [KS]

Arastain (Aristagnus, Arastang) - French king of Brittany [HCG] [KS]

Arbantes - Son of the King of Friesland, he is to marry Olimpia [OF]

Arcadius - Ancient Roman emperor, son of Theodosius [KS]

Arcimbaldo - Count of Cremona, son of King Desiderius [OI]

Argalia - Angelica’s brother, slain by Ferrau, his horse is Rabican, his magic lance was taken by Astolfo [OF] [OI]

Argesto - Giant [OI]

Argosto of Marmonda - Agramante’s Admiral [OI]

Ariante - Suitor of Orrigille [OI]

Aridano - Guardian of Morgana’s bridge [OI]

Ariodante - Duke of Albany, best knight in Britain, he and Polinesso are rivals for Ginevra's affection, his brother is Lurcanio [OF]

Aristagnus (Arastain) - French King of Brittany [KS]

Arnaud of Fréjus - French knight [F]

Arnald of Bilanda (Arnaldus, Arnoldo, Arned, Hernat) - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he leads the first division of Charlemagne's army against Pamplona, slain by Roland [HCG] [KS] [OI]

Arnulf - French knight, son of Baldvin Serens, brother of Baldvin II [KS]

Askans (Ascanard) - Saracen knight, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Astolfo (Astolpho, Estolfo) - Knight of France, son of King Otto of England, cousin of Anséis, Renaud, and Roland, count of Champagne, Salomon's friend and companion, friend of Roland, he kills Argalia and wins the horse Rabican and a magic lance, he bears a magic horn given him by Logistilla, he was captured by Alcina and imprisoned within a myrtle [HCG] [OF] [OI]

Atlantes (Atlante) - African sorceror from Carena, Rogero's foster-father, he kept Rogero prisoner in the Atlas Mountains, his castle is made of steel [OF] [OI]

Aubri of Burgundy (Albéric, Auberi, Albert) - French knight, relative of Morant of Rivier, he escorts Blanchefleur into exile, while he is resting unarmored and on foot he is slain by Macaire, he has a faithful greyhound that returns to court, attacks Macaire, and leads Charlemagne to his corpse, one of the Twelve Peers [F] [KS] [MA]

Aubuin - Duke of Beauvais [A]

Aude the Fair (Alda, Aldabella, Audain, Adein, Auda) - Daughter of Renier of Geneva, sister of Brandimarte, Oliver, and Ziliante, during the siege of Vienne she is betrothed to Roland, she is beautiful, she is blonde, she dies of grief when she learns of Roland's death [A] [F] [GB] [KS] [MO] [OF] [SR]

Aufélise (Clarence) - Saracen Queen, wife of Agolant, she falls in love with and gives her ring to Naimon, Clarence is the name given to her at her baptism, although she loves Naimon, Charlemagne marries her to Florent because of a promise he made to Girard of Fraite [A]

Aumont (Aumon, Almontes, Jamund) - Saracen knight, son of King Agolant, brother of Troiano and Galaciella, uncle of Agramante, father of Dardinello, he is proud, arrogant, and strong, his horse is Veillantif, he carries the horn Olifant and the sword Durendal, he fights with Charlemagne's army near Aspremont, he refuses to ask Agolant for reinforcements, he kills Anquetin the Norman, he flees from Aspremont, he fights a duel with Charlemagne and tries to wrest the helmet from his head, he is beheaded by Roland in Aspremont [A] [KS] [LRF] [OF] [OI]

Aurizans (Agnisiacs, Aurisas) - Brother of Wayland and Murificans, smith who forged the three swords Florence, Baptism, and Garamante [F]

Avino - Son of Naimon, his three brothers are Avorio, Otone, and Berlengiero [MO] [OF] [OI]

Avitus - Saracen king of Bugia, he is slain by Charles' army at Xantogne [HCG] [KS]

Avorio - Son of Naimon, his three brothers are Avino, Otone, and Berlengiero [MO] [OF] [OI]

Aymeri of Narbonne (Aymer, Eimer, Aimer) - French knight, nephew of Girard of Fraite, father of William Short-Nose, Count of Berry, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will wear a hat made of fish and strike Emperor Hugo from behind so that he falls forward on the table and all his men will fight each other while Aymeri pulls on their beards, he marries Almingrada, he is the brother-in-law of king Desiderius, one of the Twelve Peers [LRF] [PC] [KS]

Aymon (Amone, Ammon) - Duke of Dordogne, son of Bernard of Clermont, brother to Milo, Buovo, Girard of Fraite, Pope Leo, and King Otto of England, husband of Beatrice, father of Renaud, Bradamante, Guicciardo, Ricciardo, Alardo, and Ricciardetto [F] [G] [LRF] [MO] [OF] [OI]


Balan the Almiran (Laban) - Almiran of the Saracens, father of Fierabras and Floripar, he is captured during a battle with Charlemagne and refuses to convert to Christianity, he spits in the baptismal font, he is beheaded by Ogier [F]

Balan (Balam, Guitequin, Vitaclin) - Saracen knight, father of Gorhans, messenger of Agolant, he advises Aumont to ask Agolant for reinforcements, he admonishes Aumont for his pride and arrogance, he gives Charlemagne a white horse as a gift, he is baptized in Charlemagne's tent by Pope Milon, he becomes a Christian knight, Guitequin is the name given to Balan at his baptism [A] [KS]

Balante the Turk - Saracen knight in the service of king Agolant, king of Scandia and Nobiro, slain on Charlemagne’s orders by Rogero the Vassal, for his treacherous taking of the castle of Aspramonte [LRF] [OI]

Baldvin Serens (Baldwin the Flemish) - French knight, Earl of Flanders, married to King Pépin's sister, Charlemagne is his wife's nephew, his two sons are Arnulf and Baldvin [KS]

Baldvin II - French knight, son of Baldvin Serens, brother of Arnulf [KS]

Baldwin (Balduino, Baldvini) - French knight of Mayence, son of Ganelon and Bertha the Second, half-brother of Roland, he is dubbed a knight by Thierry, he jousts with Alkain and takes his sword, horse, and golden staff, he is in love with Sibilia, he kills Estorgant and Margamar, he takes Estorgant's horse, he captures Widukind and takes him prisoner, he fought beside Roland at Roncevaux, he escapes the Battle of Roncevaux Pass and tells the French army of the death of Roland [HCG] [KS] [MO] [OI]

Balgurano - Saracen knight [OI]

Balifronte - King of Mulga [OI]

Balisardo - Evil giant, a necromancer [OI]

Baliverzo - King of Normandy [OI]

Ballano - King, supporting Angelica [OI]

Balorza - King of Ethiopia [OI]

Balsamar (Balsamin) - Saracen knight, King of Niniue, he is killed by Oliver [KS]

Balugante (Beligard, Baligant) - Son of Galaphron, saracen knight, father of Serpentino, brother of King Marsilius of Spain and Falsiron, his sister Galeana is married to Charlemagne, Saracen king of Zaragoza, brother of Marsilius, he attacks Charlemagne's rearguard in Roncevaux Pass [HCG] [LRF] [OI]

Bambirago - King of Arzila [OI]

Baratron - Saracen deity, worshipped as an idol alongside Mahomet and Tervagant [F]

Barbadis - Camerlengo of Balan the Almiran [F]

Barbante - Father of Agolant, descendant of Alexander the Great [OI]

Barbotta - Thief in Fugiforca’s crew [OI]

Bardarico - King of the Canary Islands [OI]

Bardino - Aged knight of the House of Monodante, kidnapper of Monodante’s eldest son, governor of Brandimarte’s castle [OF] [OI]

Bardon - French knight [LRF]

Baricheo - Marsilio’s treasurer [OI]

Baricondo of Majorca - Saracen knight [OI]

Barigaccio - Robber captain, son of Taridone the corsair, his horse is Bataldo [OI]

Barigano - King of Bernica and Rassa [OI]

Barrok (Amiote) - Wife of Galafre [F]

Basaldo - Anatolian Turk [OI]

Basan - Brother of Basilius, messenger from Charlemagne to Marsilius, he and Basilius are killed by Marsilius [KS]

Basilius (Basilides) - Brother of Basan, messenger from Charlemagne to Marsilius, he and Basan are killed by Marsilius [KS]

Basin the Génois (Bazin) - French knight, thief who teaches young Charlemagne how to steal, he and Naimon give Charlemagne the nickname Magnus to conceal his identity, he marries Rainfroi's widow Tungr and becomes lord of Rainfroi's lands, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, ke is killed, one of the twelve peers [F] [KS]

Baudouin - Son of Ogier the Dane and Béatrix, he is killed by Charlot [OTD]

Beatrice - Wife of Aymon, mother of Renaud and Bradamante, her sister Ermelina is Dudon’s mother [OF]

Béatrix - Daughter of Guimer, wife of Ogier the Dane [OTD]

Begon of Belin (Hago) - French knight [KS]

Beirard of Pedvers - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights [KS]

Belesent (Belisant) - Daughter of Charlemagne, she is lovely among women like the rose and the lily among the other flowers, she marries Otuel [KS]

Belisandra - Ruler on the Barbary Coast, abducted by Renaud [OI]

Belisent - Daughter of Pépin the Short and Bertha Broadfoot, sister of Charlemagne, wife of Raimbaud of Frisia [KS]

Beltramo - Son of Rampaldo, treacherous rebel against his father’s rule [OI]

Benoît - Ogier's squire who holds his castle of Castel-Fort while Ogier is away, he dies protecting Ogier from a French ambush [OTD]

Bérard of Montdidier (Bérard of Miblis, Berart, Berad, Berað, Bernard of Nobilis) - French knight, son of Thierry of Ardennes, he is dubbed a knight by Thierry, he kills Lunard of Folie, he is captured and held in the prison of Aigremoine in a tower, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he is sent as a messenger to Constantinople by Charlemagne, one of the Twelve Peers [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [MA]

Bérenger the Briton (Berlinghieri, Bæringr Brezca, Baeringur, Berengier) - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he is an earl, he is a duke, marquis of Marca, brother of Milon and uncle of Richer, cousin of Desiderius, he kills Trïamodés, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will jump off a tall tower onto a field of swords with all their blades pointing up but walk away unharmed, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Estormariz, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [G] [KS] [LRF]

Berlengiero (Berlinghier) - Son of Naimon, his three brothers are Avino, Avorio, and Otone [MO] [OF] [OI]

Bernard of Averna - French knight, cousin of Girart of Vienne [KS]

Bernard of Brusband - French knight, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will jump over two running horses and land on the back of a third while juggling four apples [KS] [PC]

Bernard of Clermont (Barnard, Bernardo of Chiaramonte) - French baron, one of the Twelve Peers, high baron and advisor of Pépin the Short, he is the father of Aymon, Milo, King Otto of England, and Girard of Fraite [BGP] [LRF] [MO] [PC]

Bernard of Mongrana - Brother of Girard of Fraite, father of Aymeri [LRF]

Berron - Lord of Plaisance, Ogier's sworn companion through all of his misfortunes [OTD]

Bertha Broadfoot (Berthe au Grand Pied, Berte, Berthe) - Daughter of King Philip of Hungary, wife of Pépin the Short, mother of Charlemagne, her right foot is bigger than her left foot, she is betrothed to Pépin when she is 16 years old, she trades places with Aliste, she is accused of attempted murder, she is taken into the woods, Tibert tries to kill her but is prevented by Morant, she is left in the woods to be killed by wild animals, she takes shelter in the home of Simon the Voyer, she is skilled at embroidery, when Pépin finds her she denies that she is the Queen of France, she is reunited with Pépin, she dies after Charlemagne is crowned king of the Franks [BGP] [KS] [LRF]

Bertha the Second (Berta, Gille, Gile, Gilain, Gilem) - Daughter of Bertha Broadfoot and King Pépin, older sister of Charlemagne, she is entrusted to Macaire, wife of Milo of Anglante, mother of Roland, after the death of Milo she is married to Ganelon, she divorces Ganelon when the priests learn they are related, she marries Duke Efrard, she is excommunicated and flees from Paris to Sutri, she is pardoned by Charlemagne [GB] [HCG] [KS] [LRF] [MO]

Bertolo the Bearded (Bertoloi, Liberes) - French knight, he is a duke, one of the Twelve Peers [KS] [O]

Bertrand - One of Pépin's three sergeants who take Bertha into the woods, he dies before Bertha returns to court [BGP]

Bertrand the Terrible (Bertram the Stalwart) - French knight, older son of Duke Naimon, brother of Richier, cousin of Thierry, he is sent to Pavia as Charlemagne's messenger, his sword once belonged to King Herod, he jousts with Ogier and takes him prisoner, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will make such a loud noise that he will scare all the deer out of the forests and all the fish out of the rivers, one of the Twelve Peers [G] [GB] [OTD] [PC]

Beuves of Aigremont (Buovo of Agramonte) - Father of Maugris, son of Bernard of Clermont [LRF] [QFA] [OF] [OI]

Beuves of Chartres - French knight [F]

Beuvon the Beardless (Beuve, Bofi, Bonivus, Beuves Sans Barbe, Beuvon of Vienne) - French knight, Duke of Vienne, father of Girard of Fraite, brother of Naimon, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, father of Girard, he becomes the ruler of Saxony after the death of Widukind [A] [G] [KS]

Bevis of Hampton (Buovo) - Ancestor of Rogero [OI]

Bevon of Dijon (Begun) - French knight, he is killed by Marsilius [KS] [SR]

Bireno - Duke of Zealand, he loves Olimpia, but is imprisoned by Cimosco [OF]

Black Fairy - Aquilante’s protector [OI]

Blancandin of Castle Val-Fonde (Blankandin, Blancandrin) - Saracen knight, he plots with Ganelon and Marsilius to kill Roland [KS]

Blanchefleur - Queen of Hungary, mother of Bertha Broadfoot, she travels to Paris to visit her daughter, she discovers that the servant Aliste has taken Bertha Broadfoot's place [BGP]

Blanchefleur - Daughter of the Emperor of Constantinople, wife of Charlemagne, she is accused of adultery, despite her innocence she is banished from France, her escort is murdered and she finds shelter in the forest under the protection of Varocher, she is pregnant with Charlemagne's child, she travels to Hungary where she stays at an inn and gives birth to her son Louis, she returns to her father in Constantinople, she returns to Paris and is reunited with Charlemagne [MA]

Blasius - A bishop who was martyred [KS]

Blonde - One of Claresme's maidens, she loves Amaufroi [G]

Boïdant (Boland, Bordant) - Saracen king, he rules a kingdom beyond Jerusalem, he is killed by Anquetin the Norman [A] [KS] [GB]

Bordacco - King of Damascus [OI]

Bovon (Boson, Boz) - French knight, son of Girard of Fraite, brother of Ernaut, Renier, and Claron, in Karlamagnus Saga he is the nephew of Girard of Fraite [A] [KS]

Bradamante - Daughter of Aymon, female knight, of the House of Clermont, Renaud’s sister, and Ricciardetto’s twin, she is in love with Rogero, she weds Rogero and founds the House of Este [OF] [OI]

Bramante (Bramantes) - King of Africa, brother of king Agolant, saracen knight, he attacks Zaragoza to try to win the hand of Galeana, he is killed by Charlemagne [HCG] [LRF]

Bramimonde (Baimunde, Bramimunde) - Saracen queen, wife of Marsilius, she gives jewlery to Ganelon [KS]

Brandimarte - Saracen knight, son of Monodante and a Saracen woman, brother to Oliver, Ziliante, Leodilla, and Aude, he falls in love with Flordelis and converts to Christianity, his horse is named Batoldo [OF] [OI]

Branzardo - King of Bugia, Agramante’s viceroy in Bizerte (Hippo) [OF] [OI]

Bréhier - Saracen king of Damascus, Babylon, and North Africa, he is a giant, he has a a magical ointment that heals and cures all wounds instantly, he kills Broiefort, he is killed by Ogier [OTD]

Brulan - Saracen knight, brother of Balan the Almiran, he is killed by Charlemagne [F]

Brulhan of Montmirat - Saracen knight, he rides a horse that is faster than a greyhound, the tip of his lance is poisoned, he is killed by Ganelon [F]

Brunaldo - Emperor of Trebizond [OI]

Brunamont (Burnament) - Saracen knight, King of Majorca, first owner of Broiefort, he is an evil sorcerer who eats nothing but raw meat, drinks blood mixed with his wine, and has the yellow eyes of a cat, he is a treacherous knight, he is full of magic, his sword once belonged to King Nebuchadnezzar and is a fathom long, his helmet once belonged to Helenus the Strong, original owner of Broiefort, Corsuble offers him the hand of Gloriande despite her already being engaged to Caraheut, he is Caraheut's rival for the hand of Princess Gloriande, he fights a duel with Ogier and is beheaded in the battle [KS] [OTD]

Brunello - Dwarf and thief, he is six hands tall, in the service of King Agramante, Agramante crowns him King of Tingitana [OF] [OI]

Brustamont (Brutamon) - Saracen knight, jailer of Balan the Almiran's dungeons, he is killed by Floripar [F]

Bucifaro - King of Algeciras on the Bay of Gibraltar [OF] [OI]

Burnols - King of Hungary [A]

Butran (Baldam) - Saracen emir, he speaks French and is Aumont's interpreter [A] [KS]


Cadiel - Saracen king, father of Durand and Ospiniel [A]

Cador (Kador) - Saracen king [A] [KS]

Cahoer - King of England [A]

Calidora - Maiden encountered by Roland near Narcissus’ Fount [OI]

Callitrefia - Nurse to Bradamante, her daughter is Ippalca [OF]

Candor of Cyprus - Saracen knight [LRF]

Canidès of Orcania (Calide, Kalades) - Saracen king of Orcania, he leads an army of primitive archers, he is killed by Graelent [A] [KS]

Capuel - Saracen knight, King of Cappadocia, father of Grandoine [KS] [SR]

Caraheut (Karvel) - Saracen king, son of King Gloriant, he is a brave, noble, and honest knight, he is betrothed to Gloriande, he agrees to joust with Ogier to determine the fate of both their armies, he fights a duel with Ogier, his sword is Cortain, wounds dealt by his sword are incurable, he is noble and would suffer death rather than betray someone, he offers himself to the French as hostage after Ogier is taken prisoner, he gives the sword Cortain to Ogier, he rides with Ogier and Charlot against Feridan, he and Ogier free Gloriande, he is granted freedom after the battle of Rome, he returns to Babylon with Gloriande [KS] [ODK] [OTD]

Carmel of Sarabia - Saracen knight, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Carogiero - Descended from Agolant in a parallel line to Agramante, Mordante is his illegitimate son [OI]

Charlemagne (Charles, Carlo, Carolus Magnus, Charlot, Carlotto, Karl, Karlamagnus, Mainet, Mainetto) - Charles the Great, Holy Roman Emperor, King of the Franks and Lombards, son of Pépin and Bertha Broadfoot, uncle of Roland, while learning to steal with Basin the Thief he overhears Rainfroi telling his wife about a plot to kill him, he flees to Spain to the court of king Galaphron after his parents are killed, he goes by the name Mainet, he falls in love with Galeana, he returns to France and kills his two bastard half-brothers, he is crowned Emperor of Rome and king of France by Pope Milon, according to Karlamagnus Saga he has intercourse with his sister Gilem and is the father of Roland, he makes war against the rebellious Girart of Vienne, he recieves the three swords Almacia, Cortain, and Durendal from Malakin, he gives the sword Durendal to Roland, he marries Adein, he has a son named Lødver, he visits the holy sepulchre in Jerusalem, a star in the sky leads him to Compostella, Saint James appears to him three times in a dream, he invades Spain and takes Pamplona, he builds the church of Santiago of Compostella, he returns home to France after three years, Saint Dionysius appears to him and offers forgiveness for all those who fall in war against Spain, he builds many churches in Aix-la-Chapelle, he travels to Saxony and attacks Widukind, he builds a bridge over the Rhine, he has a hollow statue of himself made that can move its arm and is controlled from the inside, he conquers Saxony and installs chief to rule in his name, he enters Agen disguised as a messenger and spies on Agolant's defenses, he conquers Agen and Santun and pursues Agolant to Pamplona, he conquers Navarre, he conquers Córdoba, he crosses the alps to battle with Agolant at Reggio, he fights a battle against Agolant and Aumont near Aspremont, he does battle with Aumont, he dubs 337 young squires as knights, he takes the tent of Aumont, he sends Aumont's severed head in response to messengers from Agolant asking for his surrender, he follows a white deer through the Alps to Italy, he travels to Rome to defend the Pope against Saracen invaders, he banishes Ogier from France to protect his son Charlot from Ogier's wrath, he leads his army into battle against the army of King Didier of Lombardy, he rescues Roland and Olivier when they are outnumbered by the army of Fierabras, he considers returning to France when the twelve peers are all beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he captures Balan the Almiran and the tower of Aigremoine, he has a dream that he will return to Spain and be betrayed, he wages war against King Garsia, he travels to Jerusalem, he visits the Pater Noster Church, he is given many relics by the Patriarch of Jerusalem, he builds the Church of Saint Mary of the Latins, he visits King Hugo in Constantinople, he boasts that he will cut one of Emperor Hugo's fully armored knights in two together with his horse in a single blow, an angel appears to him and says that God will help him and the Twelve Peers to perform the amazing feats of which they boasted, Emperor Hugo becomes his vassal, he spends seven years fighting in Spain, he has been fighting in Spain for 27 years, he lays siege to Luiserne, he enters Luiserne disguised as a pilgrim, he sends Ganelon to Marsilius to negotiate his surrender, on Ganelon's advice he leaves Roland to lead the rearguard when he returns to France, he hears Roland's horn Olifant and turns around to aid him, he takes Ganelon prisoner and places him in a dungeon, he arrives at Roncevaux and finds the Twelve Peers dead, he prays for the sun to remain in the sky so it does, the sun stood still for three days after the battle of Roncevaux pass while he pursued the Saracen army of Marsilius, he slaughters the remaining Saracens, he removes the holy relics from the hilt of Durendal and throws the blade into the ocean, Thibaut of Aspremont sends him some poisoned apples and falsely accuses Thierry of the crime, many battles occur between the knights who remain loyal to him and the knights who side with Thierry, he makes peace with Thierry, he banishes his wife Blanchefleur, he orders the killing of the traitor Macaire, his lands are invaded by Madul, his army defeats Madul, he builds a church over the tomb of William Short-Nose, he travels to the holy land and defeats the pagans that have taken Jerusalem, he receives many relics, he builds a church in Aix-La-Chapelle, he makes peace with the Emperor of Constantinople, he is reunited with Blanchefleur, he falls ill and dies in Aix-La-Chapelle, his soul is judged and he is spared from Hell by the intervention of Saint James, his soul was carried to heaven by angels, he died on January 28 in 814 A.D. and was buried in Saint Mary's church in Aix-la-Chapelle, he is buried sitting upright on his throne wearing his crown and with the four Gospels in his right hand [A] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [LRF] [MA] [ODK] [OF] [OI] [OTD]

Charlot (Carlot, Karlot) - Son of Charlemagne, a proud and impetuous young knight, he has a mean temperament and is not liked, he is knighted by Thierry, he fights a duel with Sadone, he rides with Caraheut and Ogier against Feridan, he kills Baudoin with a chessboard [KS] [LRF] [OTD]

Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) - Father of Pépin the Short, grandfather of Charlemagne [BGP]

Chernuble of the Black Valley (Gernublis) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Roland [KS] [SR]

Cimosco - King of Friesland, he wants his son Arbantes to marry Olimpia [OF]

Circella - Enchantress whose history is depicted on a loggia viewed by Roland [OI]

Clarel (Klarel, Klares) - Saracen knight, brother of Samson of Monbrant, he is a king, lover of Alfamie, he is taken prisoner by Ogier but is released soon after, his sword is Melde, his horse is Turnifent, his helm is made of serpents' teeth instead of iron, he fights a duel with Otuel, he is killed by Otuel [KS] [O]

Claresme - Queen of Gascony, she loves Thierry, Charlemagne offers her in marriage to Gui of Hautefeuille, Thierry visits her in her tent, she escapes with Thierry to Angers, she is married to Thierry, she dies less than a year after being married [G]

Clarice - Wife of Renaud [OI]

Clarion - Saracen knight, nephew of Balan, his horse can run twenty leagues without tiring, he is killed by Richard of Normandy [F]

Claron (Clares, Claires) - Son of Girard of Fraite, brother of Bovon, Ernaut, and Renier, in Karlamagnus Saga he is the nephew of Girard of Fraite, he kills Agolant [A] [KS]

Clermont (Chiaramonte) - Noble family of the Picardy region of France [LRF]

Climborin of Zaragoza (Klimboris, Klibanus) - Saracen knight, he gives Ganelon a helmet, he fights against the French at Roncevaux, he kills Engelier, he is killed by Oliver [KS]

Cloridano - Saracen warrior, Friend to Medoro [OF]

Colindor - Saracen knight [LRF]

Constance - Wife of Simon the Voyer, mother of Eglante and Isabelle, she and her daughters take good care of Bertha Broadfoot [BGP]

Constantine - Byzantine Emperor, father of Leo IV, contemporary of Charlemagne, after the fall of Jerusalem he writes to Charlemagne requesting aid [A] [G] [KS] [OF]

Constantine - Pope Constantine III, governor of Rome [HCG] [KS] [LRF]

Corbino - Brother of Orrigille [OI]

Cornicas - Saracen knight, he is killed by Guy of Burgundy [GB]

Corsables (Eurabil) - Saracen knight, he is killed by Ogier [KS]

Corsablis of Barbary (Kossables, Corsabrin) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Turpin [KS] [SR]

Costanzo - King of Greece, son of Avatarone [OI]

Corsuble - Saracen knight, he was killed by Richard of Normandy [F]

Corsuble (Ammiral, Ammiran) - Saracen King of Babylon, he attacks Rome, he takes Ogier prisoner and refuses to release him, he offers his daughter Gloriande to Brunamont, he is killed by Duke Naime, in Karlamagnus Saga he returns to Babylon after Brunamont is killed by Ogier [KS] [OTD]

Cymosco - King of Friesland [OF]


Dalfreno of Africa - Saracen knight [LRF]

Dalinda - Friend and lady-in-waiting of Ginevra, in love with Polinesso [OF]

Dami-Dieu - Name of God [F]

Danemont (Danamund) - Saracen king, son of Corsuble, son of Huidelon, brother of Dragolant and Gloriande, he ambushes Ogier and Charlot during their joust and treacherously takes them prisoner, he is killed by Svef [GB] [KS] [OTD]

Daneziambro - French knight [LRF]

Danfiore - Saracen knight [LRF]

Daniberto - King of Frisa [OI]

Daniforte - Seneschal of Tunis [OI]

Dardinello - King of Zumara, son of Almonte [OF] [OI]

Darguno - Saracen knight [LRF]

David - King of Cornwall [A]

David the Longverski - French knight [KS]

Demogorgon - Ruler of the Faery Realm [OI]

Desiderius (Didier) - King of Lombardy, he offers Ogier refuge from Charlemagne at his court in Pavia [A] [LRF] [OI] [OTD]

Desramé - King of Cordes [GB]

Dia - Mother of Otuel [KS]

Dicilla (honesty) - One of Logistilla’s ladies, (symbolising honesty) in company with Andronica (courage), Fronesia (wisdom), and Sofrosina (chastity) [OF]

Difa - Charlemagne's treasurer [KS]

Dionisio of Mayence - Treacherous French knight [LRF]

Disorir - Saracen knight [LRF]

Dolistone - King of Liza, father of Flordelis and Doristella [OI]

Doon of Mayence (Droon of Poitiers, Doolin) - French knight, lord of Mainz, father of Godfrey of Denmark and Grifone of Mayence, patriarch of the treacherous House of Mayence [A] [MO] [OTD]

Doralice - Daughter of Stordilano the King of Granada [OF] [OI]

Dorgant - Pagan knight, messenger of Widukind, he falsely tells Widukind that Roland is dead [KS]

Doristella - Fiordelisa’s sister, daughter of King of Liza [OI]

Draginazzo - Demon [OI]

Dragolant - Saracen knight, son of Huidelon, brother of Danemont, he is a trecherous knight [GB]

Dragontina - Sorceress [OI]

Dreia - King of Poitiers, he dubs young Charlemagne as a knight, he is one of young Roland's guardians [KS]

Droon (Droim, Dragon, Droon the Old) - French knight, King of Gascony, father of Gualter of the Hum, he and Andefroi gather an army of squires to attack Aumont [A] [KS] [SR]

Druon - King of Bohemia [LRF]

Dudon - Son of Ogier and Ermelina, friend of Astolfo [OF] [OI]

Durand - Son of king Cadiel [A]

Durastante - King of India, slain by Roland [OI]

Dwarf - Unnamed dwarf who climbs into the bed of Blanchefleur as part of Maciare's plot to shame her, Macaire kills him by throwing him into a fire [MA]


Ebronus (Ebroim) - Bishop of Constantinople, he gives flowers from the Crown of Thorns and many other relics to Charlemagne [KS]

Effraon - Saracen giant [F]

Effraon's Wife - Saracen giantess, wife of Effraon, she wields a giant scythe, she is killed by Hoël, she had two giant sons named Roland and Oliver who also died [F]

Efrard - French duke, third husband of Bertha the Second [KS]

Eglante - Daughter of Simon the Voyer and Constance, she befriends Bertha Broadfoot [BGP]

Eim of Galicia - French knight, companion of Raimbaud the Frisian, he marries the widow of Varner of Pierrepont and is given the lands of Irikun, Pierrepont, and Galicia [KS]

Eliadas - Saracen knight, son of Fanis [A] [KS]

Elmidan - Pagan knight, brother of Widukind, he has an Olifant horn, his sword bears images of Makon, Apollin, Jupiter, and Tervagant, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Emaudras - Saracen king of Maudrane, nephew of Escorfaut, he is killed by Turpin [GB]

Emir of Balaguer - Unnamed emir, saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Gérer [KS] [SR]

Emmeline (Ermengarde, Ermengerd, Guiburc) - Daughter of the King of Hungary, according to Karlamagnua Saga she is the daughter of Varner of Muntasaragia, wife of Girard of Fraite [A] [KS]

Emperor of Constantinople - Unnamed emperor, father of Blanchefleur, he makes war against Charlemagne over the treatment of his daughter [MA]

Engelbert of Dynhart - Bodyguard of Lady Olif, he fights a deul with Milun [KS]

Engelier of Gascony (Engeler of Aquitaine, Engiler, Angelerus, Bérenger, Beringaire, Berangier) - French knight, Duke of Aquitaine, son of Gascon, companion of Roland, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Escremis of Valterne, he is killed by Climborin, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [O] [PC] [SR] [WC]

Enkubes - Saracen knight, he is killed by Otuel [KS]

Erifella (Eriphila) - Monster who guards a bridge, she holds beautiful sparkling armor and rides a wolf as big as an ox [OF]

Ermelina (Armelina, Ermellina) - Daughter of Naimon, wife of Ogier the Dane, sister to Beatrice, and mother of Dudon [MO] [OF] [OI]

Ernald of Gironde - French knight, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will sit in a pot of boiling lead until it becomes cold and then shake the lead off of himself [KS]

Ernaut (Ernaud, Bernard) - French knight, son of Girard of Fraite, brother of Bovon, Claron, and Renier, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [KS] [PC]

Esclamar of Damietta - Saracen knight, he fights with Oliver and wounds him, he is killed by Oliver [F]

Escorfaut - Saracen king of Carsaude and the Tower of Augorie, nephew of Huidelon, he converts to Christianity and is baptized [GB]

Escremis of Valterne (Eskrement, Escremiz) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Engelier [KS] [SR]

Esmerée - One of Claresme's maidens, she loves Ferraut [G]

Esperrant (Asperant, Alfreant) - Saracen king, nephew of the Great Emir, entrusted to guard Aumont's main banner, he flees from the battle of Aspremont when he belives that Aumont will lose, Agolant sentences him to death by dragging [A] [KS]

Espulart of Nubia - Saracen knight, nephew of Balan the Almiran [F]

Estorgant (Esturgant) - Pagan knight, uncle of Widukind, he has a horse that was raised by a dragon and only ate raw meat, he is killed by Baldwin [KS]

Estorgant (Esturgant, Esturganz) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Haton [KS] [SR]

Estormariz (Estramaris, Estramariz) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Bérenger [KS] [SR]

Estout of Langres (Estolt, Estoult, Eystult, Estor, Estolfo) - French knight, son of Odon of Langres, French knight, companion of Roland, companion of Salomon, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont, he is fearless, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [KS] [O]

Eutropius - Saint Eutropius, Bishop of Xantonge, his parents were Xerxes, the king of Babylon, and Queen Guiva [HCG]


Facin (Fantim) - Saracen King of Morocco and Barbary [HCG] [KS]

Facundus - Holy martyr with Primitivus, Christian of León who was tortured and then beheaded on the banks of the River Cea [HCG]

Fagon - French knight, cousin and seneschal of Charlemagne, cousin of Remund, the standard bearer of Charlemagne's army [A] [KS]

Falerina - Sorceress, her enchanted garden is in the realm of Orgagna, where she created Rogero’s sword, Balisarda [OI]

Falsabratz - Saracen knight, he is killed by Roland [F]

Falsetta - Demon [OI]

Falsiron (Faliron, Falseron, Falsaron) - Saracen knight, son of Galaphron, father of Ferrau, brother of Marsilius, Balugante, and Galeana, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Oliver [LRF] [KS] [OI] [SR]

Fanis - Saracen king, father of Eliadas [A]

Febosilla - Fairy [OI]

Feridan (Feridans) - Saracen King of Cordes, he kills Corsuble and takes Gloriande prisoner [KS]

Fernagul - Saracen knight, ruler of Nazareth, uncle of Otuel, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Ferragut (Ferraù, Ferragus, Ferracute) - Giant Saracen knight, son of Falsiron and Lanfusa, brother to Isolier, nephew of Marsilio, he is in love with Angelica, Saracen giant of the race of Goliath, he is twelve cubits tall, he is only vulnerable in his navel, he defeats many French knights, he debates theology with Roland before he is killed [HCG] [OF] [OI]

Ferraut - Nephew of Thierry, his sword once belonged to Alexander the Great, his horse is Ataignant, he and Amaufroi are ambushed while taking Thierry's possessions to Angers, he serves as Thierry's messenger to Charlemagne, he fights against Renaud, he kills the gatekeeper in Orléans, he throws a branch at Charlemagne which spills his cup filled with poisoned wine, he steals from knights bearing gifts on their way to Charlemagne, he is attacked while he is the guest of Hertaut, he is taken prisoner by Charlemagne, he fights a duel against Gui of Hautefeuille, he loves Esmerée, he resumes his joust with Gui of Hautefeuille and defeats him [G]

Fierabras of Alexandria (Ferumbras, Florian) - Saracen knight who vows to defeat Roland and Olivier in combat, son of Balan the Almiran, brother of Floripar, he pillaged Rome and stole the Holy Relics from the Church of Saint Peter, he has the balm with which Jesus was anointed, he carries the three swords Baptism, Florence, and Garamante, he fights with and is defeated by Oliver, he converts to Christianity, he is baptized with the name Florian, he begs his father Balan to convert to Christianity, he is given half of Balan's kingdom [F]

Fiordispina of Spain - Sister to Matalista, in love with the warrior-maid Bradamante [OF] [OI]

Fiovo of Bordeaux - French knight [LRF]

Floire (Philip) - King of Hungary, father of Bertha Broadfoot [BGP] [LRF] [OI]

Florent - Son of the King of Hungary, brother of Emmeline, brother-in-law of Girard of Fraite, he marries Queen Aufélise [A]

Floriant - Charlemagne's Saracen interpreter, he is from Nubia [GB]

Flordelis (Fiordelisa) - Daughter of Dolistone, sister of Doristella, in love with the knight Brandimarte[OF] [OI]

Floripar (Floripas, Floripes) -Beautiful Saracen woman, daughter of emir Balan, sister of Fierabras, she has a magical belt, she kills Brustamon and aids the French knights who are held in the prison of Aigremoine, she kills her duenna Margarande, she wants to marry Guy of Burgundy, she shows the Crown of Thorns, Nails of the Crucifixion, and Holy Shroud to the French counts in the Tower of Aigremoine, she is baptized and married to Guy of Burgundy [F]

Floriz - Saracen knight, son of Alie the Red King [KS]

Folkvard of Pierrepont - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Foucher - French knight [OTD]

Fouques - Kinsman of Ganelon, nephew of Hardré, treacherous French knight [G]

Frere - Archbishop of Cologne [KS]

Fromer - Abbot [A]

Fromond (Fremund) - Old French knight [KS] [OTD]

Fronesia - One of Logistilla’s ladies, (symbolising wisdom) in company with Andronica (courage), Dicilla (honesty), and Sofrosina (chastity) [OF]

Frontorne - Bishop of Perigord [HCG]

Fugiforca - Kidnapper [OI]

Ful - King of Nobilis, killed by Roland and Oliver [KS]

Furra - Saracen king of Navarre [HCG] [KS]


Gabriel - Archangel of God, he aids Charlemagne, he is invoked as a saint, with Michael and Raphael he carries Roland's soul to heaven [A] [GB] [KS]

Gabrina - Old crone who haunts Isabella and Zerbino [OF]

Galaciella (Gallicella) - Daughter of king Agolant, sister of Aumont and Troiano, wife of Rogero of Reggio, aunt of Agramante, mother of Rogero and Marfisa, after her husband Rogero of Reggio is killed, she takes refuge in a wood, gives birth to twins, and dies [A] [OF] [OI]

Galafre (Alagolofure) - Saracen giant that guards the Bridge of Mantible, he is fifteen feet tall, his ears are big enough to hold a bushel of wheat each, he wields an enormous axe, he wears the skin of a snake with hard scales as armor, Renier cuts off his legs and his body is thrown into the Flagot river [F]

Galaphron (Galafrone, Galafro) - King of Cathay, king of Spain, his three sons are Marsilius, Balugante, and Falsiron, father of Angelica and Argalia [LRF] [OF] [OI]

Galatien - Saracen king, he argues that Corsuble should not set Ogier free [KS]

Galeana (Galerana) - Daughter of Galaphron, princess of Spain, sister of Marsilius, Balugante, and Falsiron, she elopes with the young Charlemagne, who was living, incognito, at the Spanish court, she escapes to France with Charlemagne and she marries him [LRF] [OI]

Galerius Galin (Galerus, Galinus Solomon) - French knight, Astolfo's friend and companion [HCG]

Galien the Brave - Saracen king, father of Otuel [KS]

Galifer - Admiral of Coleto [HCG]

Galindre the Old (Galinger) - Saracen knight, King of Batre, messenger of Agolant, companion of Ulien, he is a charming knight, he wears a crown mounted with precious stones, he has braids in his white beard, he and Ulien are sent to demand that Charlemagne surrender to Agolant, he receives Aumont's severed arm in reply [A] [KS]

Galot of Monroquier - Saracen knight [F]

Ganelon of Pontieri (Gano, Ganalon, Guinelun, Guenelun of Kastelandum) - Treacherous knight of Mayence who betrayed Charlemagne, son of Griffon of Hauteville, brother-in-law of Charlemagne, he marries Gille after the death of Milo, step-father of Roland, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he divorces Gilem when the priests learn they are related, he marries Geluviz, he bears a grudge against Roland for sleeping with his wife Geluviz, he spends seven years fighting in Spain with Charlemagne, he advises Charlemagne to leave the twelve peers for dead in the tower of Aigremoine and return to France, he and his family fight bravely alongside Charlemagne at Mantible bridge, he is sent to Balan the Almiran as a messenger and kills Brulhan of Montmirat, he is chosen to be Charlemagne's messenger to Marsilius, he plots with Blancandin and Marsilius to kill Roland, he receives many gifts from Marsilius in exchange for his treason, he advises to let Roland lead the rearguard when Charlemagne returns to France, he betrays the French army at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, Charlemagne takes him prisoner and places him in a dungeon, he is tried for treason and is drawn and quartered by four wild horses [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [LRF] [OF] [OI]

Garin - Squire of Oliver [F]

Garin - Father of Renier of Genoa, grandfather of Oliver [F]

Garin of Lorraine (Garinus) - French knight, Duke of Lorraine [HCG] [KS]

Garsia (Garcy) - King of Syria, he gathers an army in Lombardy, he wages war against Charlemagne, he is killed by Otuel [KS]

Gascon - Duke of Aquitaine, father of Engelier [HCG]

Gautier - Marshal of Pépin [BGP]

Gautier of Avallon (Walter of Mont Leon) - French knight, vassal of Claresme, one of the Twelve Peers [G] [KS] [MO] [OTD]

Gautier of Terins (Valter of Leon, Vulterinus, Gwalter of Lyons, Gualter) - French knight, brother of William, he is an earl, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, one of the Twelve Peers [KS] Gautier the Vavasour - Subvassal who was banished from Angers by Thierry's father, he prefers to wield a club instead of a lance or a sword, he fights alongside Ferraut and Amaufroi when they are ambushed by Alori and his men, he is taken prisoner by Charlemagne, he accompanies Thierry when he visits Claresme [G]

Gayfere of Bordeaux (Gaifier, Gaufroi) - French knight, King of Bordeaux, he was killed at Roncesvalles [G] [HCG] [KS] [OTD]

Geddon of Brittany - French knight [KS]

Geluviz - Sister of Duke Efrard, second wife of Ganelon, she comes to Roland's bed in disguise and sleeps with him [KS]

Geneviève - Wife of Morant [BGP]

Geoffroy of Anjou (Geoffroi, Geoffroy Grise Gonèle, Geoffrey Greymantle, Jaufre, Joifroi the Angevin) - French knight, father of Thierry, Count of Anjou, Duke of Paris, Saint Geoffrey of Angers, he is flat-nosed, he is captured and held in the prison of Aigremoine, one of the twelve peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [KS] [WC]

Geofrey of Orleans - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights [KS]

Geoffrey of Mundegio - French knight, brother of Teorfa [KS]

Gérer (Geres, Galinus, Gerir) - French knight, companion of Gérin, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills the Emir of Balaguer, one of the Twelve Peers [KS] [SR]

Gérin (Galerus) - French knight of Plaisance, brother of Berron, companion of Gérer, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will throw a spear at two coins on the top of a tower so that one falls to the ground while the other does not move and he will catch the spear before it hits the ground, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Malprimis of Brigal, he is killed by Grandoine, one of the Twelve Peers [KS] [O] [OTD] [PC] [SR]

Giasarte - Saracen knight defeated by Astolfo [OI]

Giles of Provence (Gilia, Egidius) - French priest, Papal legate in Rome, he becomes Charlemagne's chaplain, one of Charlemagne's first advisors, he is venerated as Saint Giles [KS]

Gilimer (Gilemer, Guilamar the Scotsman) - Scottish knight, count, he is dubbed a knight by Thierry, he is captured and held in the prison of Aigremoine, one of the Twelve Peers [F] [G] [OTD]

Gillefroi - Saracen, cousin of Aumont [A]

Gilbert - Lombard knight [OTD]

Ginamo of Bayonne - Uncle of Ganelon, treacherous French knight [LRF] [OI]

Ginevra - Daughter of the King of Scotland, she is accused by Lurcanio of infidelity [OF]

Girard of Fraite (Gerard of Frata, Girart of Vienne, Girard of Roussillon, Gherardo, Girart the Old, Girard of Numaia) - French knight, Duke of Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascony, Couzan, and Gévaudan, Marquis of Vienne, son of Bernard of Clermont, according to Aspremont and Karlamagnus Saga he is the son of Beuvon the Beardless, brother to Aymon, Milo, and King Otto of England, husband of Ermengard, father of Anséis, father of Ernaut, Renier, Milo, and Girardet, uncle of Bovon and Claron, rebellious French knight, he is a hundred years old, he fights alongside king Heudri against Charlemagne, he is one of young Roland's guardians, he is not a vassal nor an ally of Charlemagne, he rebels against Charlemagne and is besieged in Vienne, he brings the army of Burgundy to aid Charlemagne in his war against Aumont at Aspremont, he commands Charlemagne's army, he captures Aumont's tower, he fights valiantly at the battle of Aspremont, he makes peace with Charlemagne and submits to him, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [KS] [LRF] [MO] [O] [OTD] [SR]

Girard of Orléans - French knight, he is killed by Arapa of Florient [KS]

Girard Swan (The Swan Knight) - Mysterious knight who arrives in a boat on the Rhine pulled by a swan, he does not speak the language at first, he marries Adaliz and becomes Duke of Ardennes [KS]

Girardet - French knight, son of Girard of Fraite, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont [KS] [KS] Girardo - Renounced his Christianity due to Roland [OI]

Gismonda - Wife of Oliver [OF]

Giunento - King of Granada, saracen knight [LRF]

Gizarid - Saracen knight, kinsman of Aumont, he brought the horn Olifant from Africa, he is killed by Richier [KS]

Gloriande (Gloriant) - Daughter of King Corsuble, sister of Danemont, she is betrothed to Caraheut, she is a princess, she treats Ogier with kindness while he is held prisoner, Corsuble offers to give her in marriage to Brunamont, she is captured by Feridan, she is set free by Ogier and Caraheut, she is granted freedom after the battle of Rome, she returns to Babylon with Caraheut [KS] [ODK] [OTD]

Godefroy of Angers (Godfrei) - French knight [KS] [OTD]

Godfrey - One of Pépin's three sergeants who take Bertha into the woods, he dies before Bertha returns to court [BGP]

Godfrey (Gaufrey, Gaufroi, Godefroi, Götrik, Jofrey) - King of Denmark, king of Getulia and Sarias, oldest son of Doon of Mayence, father of Ogier the Dane, he gives Ogier to Charlemagne as a hostage [GB] [KS] [LRF] [ODK] [OTD]

Gondebaud (Galdebode, Gottebus, Getobous, Gondebeuf, Gundobol, Gundilber) - King of Frisia [A] [HCG] [KS] [LRF]

Gorhant (Goram) - Son of Balan, sensechal of Agolant, he is killed by Ogier [A] [KS]

Gradasso - Saracen king of Sericana and Nabatea, his horse is named Alfano [OF] [OI]

Graelant (Grelent) - French knight, jongleur and trouvère, young squire, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont, noone plays the vielle or sings better than he does, companion of Roland, he kills Canidès of Orcania [A] [KS]

Grandoine of Maroc (Grandonis, Grandonie, Grandonio) - Saracen knight, son of Capuel, his horse is Marmorie, he kills Gérin, Gérer, and Bérenger, he is killed by Roland [KS] [LRF] [SR]

Great Emir - Powerful Saracen king, uncle of Esperrant and Maargon, he flees from Rise and sails back to Africa [A]

Grifone the White - Son of Oliver, his brother is Aquilante the Black [OF] [OI]

Griffon of Hauteville (Grifon, Grifone of Mayence, Andrieu, Jaufre of Hautefeuille) - Treacherous French knight, son of Doon of Mayence, father of Ganelon, father of Thibaut, high baron and advisor of Pépin the Short [BGP] [F] [G] [LRF]

Grimaldus - French knight, William Short-Nose goes into battle in his place, he becomes the steward of the church built over the tomb of William Short-Nose [KS]

Gualter of the Hum (Gautier) - French knight, nephew of Turpin, son of Droon the Old, he is one of the last three French knights to be killed at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he dies from his wounds [KS] [SR]

Guerino of Mongrana - Younger brother of Girard of Fraite, father of Ugone of Avernia, grandfather of Bossoro, he is killed by Charlemagne [LRF]

Guglielmo - Count of Mayence, treacherous French knight [LRF]

Gui of Anjou - French knight, lord of Nantes [G]

Gui of Hautefeuille - Treacherous French knight, nephew of Hardré, he fights a duel against Ferraut, Charlemagne gives Claresme to him in exchange for a mule loaded with gold, he ambushes Thierry in Claresme's tent and pursues him to Angers, he resumes his joust with Ferraut and is defeated, he and Alori abduct Charlemagne, he remains close to Charlemagne and his court in spite of all his treachery [G]

Guibert of Rivier - French knight [OTD]

Guicciardo - Eldest son of Aymon [OF] [OI]

Guidon Selvaggio (the Savage) - Member of the House of Clermont, an illegitimate son of Aymon, and therefore half-brother, with his twin Carinda, to Renaud, Astolfo is his cousin [OF]

Guimer - Squire of Saint-Omer [OTD]

Guillame - French knight, one of the Twelve Peers [WC] [PC]

Guinemant the Poisoner (Guinemere, Guinimus) - Uncle of Ganelon, treacherous French knight, he is killed by Hugues of Auvergne [G] [KS]

Gumard Esturinite (Guinard) - French knight [HCG] [KS]

Gundrun - Saracen knight, advisor of Agolant, he is killed by Charlemagne [KS]

Guy of Blois - French knight [OTD]

Guy of Burgundy (Gui de Bourgogne) - French knight, Duke of Burgundy, son of Sanson of Burgundy, nephew of Charlemagne, cousin of Roland, he is handsome, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he is engaged to Floripar, he is taken prisoner by Balan the Almiran, he is freed by the French barons, he marries Floripar and is given half of Balan's kingdom, he is chosen to replace Charlemagne as king of France during Charlemagne's absence, he delivers the five cities of Carsaude, Montesclair, Montorgueil, Augorie, and Maudrane to Charlemagne, he is declared king of Spain under Charlemagne, one of the Twelve Peers [F] [GB] [OI]


Hago - French knight [HCG]

Hardré - Treacherous knight of Pavia who betrays Ogier, kinsman of Ganelon, nephew of Alori, after the death of Thibaut he sends Charlemagne two mules loaded with gold to buy the freedom of the other traitors, he and Alori give Charlemagne poisoned wine to drink [G] [GB] [OTD]

Haton the Sage (Haton the Strong, Hato, Hatton, Hatun, Otun, Oton, Otes) - French knight, companion of Bérenger, companion of Roland, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Estorgant, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [WC]

Hatun of Kampaneis - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights [KS]

Hector - King of Val Penée, son of Lampal, standard bearer of Aumont [A]

Henri of Burgundy - French knight, he is captured and held in the prison of Aigremoine [F]

Hermoen (Ermen) - French knight, he is sent as a messenger to Roland in Nobilis [KS]

Hermonides - Knight from Holland, encountered by Zerbino [OF]

Hernals of Gironde - French duke [KS]

Hernaut of Nantes - French knight [OTD]

Hertaut - Kinsman of Ganelon, treacherous French knight, his wife is a daughter of Duke Bérenger, he attacks Ferraut and is hanged as a traitor [G]

Herod - Ancient King of Judea, he has Saint James beheaded [HCG] [KS]

Hervis of Cologne (Herfi) - French knight, Duke of Cologne [KS]

Heudri (Olderigi, Heldri) - Treacherous French knight, half-brother of Charlemagne, younger son of Pépin and Aliste, brother of Rainfroi, he and Rainfroi murder their father Pépin, he plots with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he becomes king of France, he is beheaded as punishment for his treason [BGP] [KS] [LRF]

Hoël of Nantes (Hugues, Del, Ocellus) - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he kills the giantess wife of Effraon [F] [KS]

Hugi of Eleusborg - French knight, he is an earl, he is from Brittany [KS]

Hugo (Hugon) - Emperor of Constantinople, Charlemagne's wife says that Hugo wears his crown higher than Charlemagne, he has a plow made of gold, the hall of his palace is designed to rotate and play music when the wind blows, he places a spy in the bedchamber to listen to the boasts of Charlemagne and his Twelve Peers, he demands that the Twelve Peers perform the amazing feats of which they had boasted, he offers to become Charlemagne's vassal [KS] [PC]

Hugon - King of Munon, he marries Charlemagne's sister Olif, he thinks she has committed adultery [KS]

Hugues of Auvergne - French knight, he kills Guinemant the Poisoner [G]

Huidelon of Bavaria (Videlun) - Duke of Bavaria, father of Duke Naimon and Queen Adein, one of Charlemagne's first advisors [KS]

Huidelon (Huidre) - Saracen king of Montorgueil, he is noble and loyal, he and his family convert to Christianity and are baptized [GB]

Huon - Count of Le Mans [A]

Huon of Bordeaux - French knight [OI]

Huon of Troyes - French knight [OTD]


Ibrahim (Ibraim, Ibrahim, Ebraus, Ebrahim) - Saracen king of Seville, he and Almanzor escape from the Battle of Pamplona, he is killed in a battle outside Córdoba [HCG] [KS]

Ingelrafn of Rodenborg - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Ippalca - Maid to Bradamante, daughter of Callitrefia her nurse [OF]

Iroldo - Knight, native of Babylon, follower of Renaud, and friend to Prasildo [OF]

Isabella - Noble Saracen lady, loved by Zerbino [OF]

Isabelle - Daughter of Simon the Voyer and Constance, she befriends Bertha Broadfoot [BGP]

Isenbard of Trier - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Isolier - Saracen leader from Spain, Ferrau’s brother [OF] [OI]

Isoré (Ysoré, Ysorez, Isoret) - French knight [A] [KS] [MA]

Ivoire (Ivore, Yvoire, Iforias, Jforias, Juonius, Ivori) - French knight, companion of Ivon, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, one of the Twelve Peers [GB] [KS] [SR]

Ivon (Ivone, Yvon, Ive, Ivun, Jvun, Ivi) - French knight, kinsman and follower of Renaud, companion of Ivoire, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, one of the Twelve Peers [GB] [OI] [KS] [SR] [WC]


Jadunet - Messenger of Bertha Broadfoot [KS]

Jafer - Saracen king [A]

Jaskomin - Saracen knight from Damascus, he was the first to attack Corsuble, father of Zoilos and Zabulon, he is killed by Ogier [KS]

Jeremiah - Biblical prophet [A]

Jofrey of Bordeaux - French knight [KS]

John the Evangelist - Brother of Saint James [HCG]

Jovis (Jove) - Saracen deity, according to Karlamagnus Saga this is not another name for Jupiter [KS]

Juonius - French knight [HCG]

Jupiter - God of the Saracens, one of four idols carried by the army of Aumont [A] [KS]

Jurfaleu (Jurfalon) - Saracen knight, son of Marsilius, he is killed by Roland [KS] [SR]


Klandare - Pagan chieftain loyal to Widukind [KS]

Klater - Saracen knight, he is killed by Estout of Langres [KS]


Lambert of Berry (Lanbertus) - French knight, Count of Berry, Prince of Bourges, he is captured by Oliver during the siege of Vienne [HCG] [KS]

Lampal the Hoary (Lampas) - Saracen king, father of Hector [A] [KS]

Lampart - French knight, he is a duke [KS]

Lampordo - Giant [OI]

Landres - Son of King Hugon and Lady Olif, he has a permanent scar from where King Hugon hit him with a stick in the eye, King Hugon banishes him and he goes to live with Siliven, he slaps his borther Malalandres so hard that his teeth fall out, he steals a magic tablecloth and jar from a group of dwarves, he discovers his mother closed up inside a stone hut, he brings the news about his mother to Charlemagne, he kills Malalandres and Aglavia, he rules Munon after the death of Hugon [KS]

Lanfusa - Mother of Ferragut, Isolier, and Maugris [OF] [OI]

Langalif (Lalgalif) - Uncle of Marsilius, L'Agalif means "The Caliph", he rules over Carthage, Africa, Ethiopia, and Garmalie, he delivers a deadly wound to Oliver, he is killed by Oliver [KS] [SR]

Larbino - King loved by Calidora [OI]

Leo - Son of Constantine, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire [KS] [OF]

Leo - Stepson of Bernard of Clermont, he is a cardinal, he becomes Pope Leo XIII [KS] [LRF] [OF]

Leodilla - Daughter of King Monodante, sister to Brandimarte and Ziliante [OI]

Leone - Byzantine prince [OF]

Leopander - Dean of Aix la Chapelle [HCG]

Lionetto of Mayence - Treacherous French knight [LRF]

Locrino - Suitor of Orrigille [OI]

Logistilla - Good sorceress, sister of Alcina and Morgana [OF]

Longinus - Blind Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus on the cross, the blood of Jesus cured him of his blindness, the tip of his spear is a holy relic that is placed inside the hilt of the sword Joyeuse [A] [BGP] [G] [KS]

Lotieri - French knight [LRF]

Louis - King of Hungary, he finds the infant Louis the Pious on the way to his Christening [MA]

Louis the Pious (Lødver) - Son of Charlemagne and Blanchefleur, according to Karlamagnus Saga he is the son of Charlemagne and Adein, a birthmark of a white cross on his shoulder signifies his royal lineage [KS] [MA]

Lucafer of Baudrac - Saracen knight who was betrothed to Floripar, he is killed by Duke Naimon [F]

Lucina - Daughter of Tibiano, wife of Norandino [OF] [OI]

Lucio Albino - Lord of Sutri [LRF]

Lunard of Folie - Pagan knight, he is killed by Berard [KS]

Lupin - Saracen deity [F]

Lurcanio - Brother to Ariodante, evil lord who threatens to put Ginevra to death [OF]


Maargon (Magon) - Saracen king, nephew of the Great Emir, he guards the main banner of Aumont, he flees from the battle of Aspremont when he belives that Aumont will lose, Agolant sentences him to death by dragging [A] [KS]

Macabrés (Malchabrun) - Rich Saracen king of Tortoles, father of Aquilant, he is killed by Girard of Fraite, his armor is worn by Charlemagne [A] [GB] [KS]

Macaire of Losane (Macaire the Leude, Macharius) - Treacherous French knight of the race of Mayence, he is the guardian of Bertha the Second, he has a long beard, he tells Charlemagne falsely that Roland is dead, he desires to take Queen Blanchefleur as his mistress, he accuses Blanchefleur of adultery, he takes Aubri by surprise and murders him, accused of this murder he is sentenced to fight a duel against Aubri's greyhound, he is dragged behind a horse and burned alive in punishment of his crimes [F] [G] [KS] [MA]

Macaris of Pamplona (Macre) - Saracen knight, he is killed by Morant [KS] [LRF]

Madul - Saracen king, brother of Marsilius, he invades France, he is killed by William Short-Nose [KS]

Maguarin - Saracen knight, king [F]

Mahomet (Maumet, Mohamet, Bafom, Mahound) - Saracen deity, often considered as part of a trinity, one of four idols carried by the army of Aumont, a golden idol worshipped by Balan the Almiran, it speaks with the voice of a devil [A] [F] [HCG] [KS] [MO]

Mahon - Skilled Saracen engineer [F]

Makon (Machon) - Saracen deity, one of four idols carried by the army of Aumont [KS]

Malagriffa - Demon [OI]

Malakin of Ivin - Asks Charlemagne to release his brother Abraham from prison in exchange for the three swords Cortain, Almace, and Durendal [KS]

Malalandres - Abnormal son of King Hugon and Aglavia, enemy of Landres [KS]

Malmuzet of Gornat - Camerlengo of Floripar [F]

Malprimis of Brigal (Donreg) - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Gérin [KS] [SR]

Malpy of Granmolade - Saracen thief and enchanter, he casts a spell that opens a locked door in the tower of Aigremoine, enchants the French counts with a spell of sleep, and steals the Belt of Floripar before he is killed by Guy of Burgundy [F]

Malquiant of Africa (Malkus, Malquidant) - Saracen knight, his horse is Saltperdut, he kills Anseïs, he is killed by Turpin [KS] [SR]

Malrin - Clever engineer who serves Charlemagne, he is skilled in siegecraft [OTD]

Mambrino - Saracen king, Renaud slew him and wears his enchanted helmet [OF] [OI]

Manador of Cyprus - Saracen knight, he is killed by Balante [LRF]

Mandaquin the Strong (Madequin) - Saracen king, nephew of Agolant, one of the twenty kings who follow Agolant, there is no stronger man in all of Africa, he is so huge that he is more like a giant than a man, he and Ulien deliver a death sentence on Maargon and Esperrant, he is killed by Roland [A] [KS]

Mandricardo - King of the Tartars, his father was Agricane, fierce but hot-headed Saracen knight [OF] [OI]

Manilardo - King of Noritia [OF] [OI]

Manuo (Mamonen) - Saracen king of Mecca [HCG] [KS]

Marfisa - Daughter of Rogero of Reggio and Galaciella, female Saracen knight, twin sister of Rogero [A] [OF] [OI]

Marfusto - Kidnapper of Leodilla [OI]

Margamar - Pagan knight, King of Germasie [KS]

Marganor - Tyrannical giant [OF]

Margarande (Maragunde) - Duenna of Floripar, she is killed by Floripar [F]

Margariz of Sibilia (Magaris) - Saracen knight, ruler of Camarias, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he reports to Marsilius the deaths of his eleven companions [KS] [SR]

Margiste - Treacherous servant, mother of Aliste, her daughter looks exactly like Bertha Broadfoot, she suggests that Aliste take Bertha's place in bed on her wedding night, she accuses Bertha of attempted murder, she tries to kill Pépin and Blanchefleur with poisoned fruit, she is burned at the stake [BGP]

Margot - Saracen deity [F]

Marguerite - Wife of Huidelon [GB]

Marsilius (Marsile, Marsilio, Marsir) - Saracen knight, Son of Galaphron, King of Zaragoza, king of Spain, father of Fiordispina, brother of Falsiron, Balugante and Galeana, uncle of Ferrau and Isolier, he tells Charlemagne that he is willing to surrender to him, he plots with Ganelon and Blancandin to kill Roland, he gives Ganelon many gifts in exchange for his treason, his horse is named Gaignon, his army attacks Charlemagne's rearguard in Roncevaux Pass, he rides into Battle at Roncevaux against the last few remaining French knights, his right hand is cut off by Roland, his son Jurfaleu is killed by Roland, he is killed by Roland [G] [GB] [KS] [LRF] [OF] [OI] [SR]

Martano - Knight from Antioch, Orrigille’s lover [OF]

Martasino - New king of Garamanta, replacing his predecessor the aged priest of Apollo [OI]

Martial - Bishop of Limoges [HCG]

Matalista - Brother to Fiordispina [OI]

Matbia - Uncle of Floripar, he was killed by Richard of Normandy [F]

Maugris (Maugis, Malagigi, Malagise) - Great enchanter, cousin of Renaud and son of Beuves of Aygremont and Lanfusa, brother to Vivian of the Staff and Aldigier [FSA] [OF] [OI]

Maximin - Bishop of Aix-la-Chapelle [HCG]

Mazarigi - King of Pamplona [LRF]

Medoro - Saracen knight who weds Angelica [OF]

Melissa - Good sorceress who helps Rogero and Bradamante [OF]

Melones - Saracen knight, he is killed by Oliver [KS]

Michael - An angel of God, with Gabriel and Raphael he carries Roland's soul to heaven [KS]

Milo (Milon, Milun) - Pope, he leads the coronation ceremony for young Charlemagne, he blesses the French army before the battle of Aspremont, he baptizes Balan, he brings a cross which contains a piece of the True Cross from Rome to the battle of Aspremont [A] [KS]

Milo - French knight, son of Girard of Fraite, he is one of the young knights who fought at Aspremont [KS]

Milo of Anglante (Milon, Milone, Milun, Sventura) - Son of Bernard of Clermont, brother to Aymon, Girard of Fraite, and King Otto of England, husband of Bertha the Second, brother-in-law of Charlemagne, father of Roland, he is excommunicated and leaves France for Sutri, he joins the army of king Agolant using the name Sventura, general of Charlemagne's occupying force in Spain, he is killed in the battle of Holy Facundus where the spears grew out of the ground [HCG] [KS] [LRF] [MO] [OF] [OI]

Milun - Treacherous necromancer, rebuked by Lady Olif, he gives her a sleeping potion, fails to rape her, puts a man in her bed, and falsely accuses her of adultery and of being a witch, he fights a duel with Engelbert, he is punished by being closed up in the same stone hut in which Lady Olif was held prisoner, he is eaten by worms and dies [KS]

Miran - Pagan king, defeated by Charlemagne in Greece, he gives Charlemagne some holy relics, including the head of the Spear of Longinus [KS]

Moadas (Modal) - King of Jerusalem, young nephew of Agolant [A] [KS]

Moïsan - Saracen king, uncle of Aumont [A]

Monodante - King of the Distant Isle, father of Brandimarte, Ziliante, and Leodilla [OI]

Morant of Rivier (Morando of Riviera, Ragonese) - French knight, husband of Geneviève, relative of Aubri, one of Pépin's three sergeants who take Bertha into the woods, he prevents Tibert from killing Bertha, he spends a year fighting in Spain, he is knighted by Pépin, foster-father to Charlemagne, he goes by the name Ragonese which means person from Aragon [BGP] [G] [KS] [LRF] [MA]

Moredes - Saracen knight who was killed by the French counts on their way to Aigremoine [F]

Morgan le Fay (Morgana) - Evil sorceress, fairy, sister of Alcina and Logistilla [OF]

Morgante - Saracen king in the army of Marsilius [OI]

Murificans (Munificans) - Brother of Aurizans and Wayland, smith who forged the three swords Durendal, Sauvagine, and Cortana [F]


Naaman - Duke of Bourbon [HCG]

Nabigant - Saracen king of Abîme [A]

Naimon (Naime, Naimes, Namo, Namlun, Namus, Aymes, Nemes) - Duke of Bavaria, old French knight with a white beard, wise adviser to Charlemagne, son of Duke Huidelon, brother of Queen Adein, father of Avorio, Avino, Berlengiero, Bertram, Ermelina, and Ottone, he and Basin give Charlemagne the nickname Magnus to conceal his identity, he rules the cities of Würzburg and Salzburg, he is the lord of three castles between the Meuse river and the Ardennes forest, one of Charlemagne's first advisors, he is Roland's tutor, he is captured at the Battle of Holy Fecundus but Balan purchases his release, he kills Rodoan, he succeeds in his quest against the griffin of Aspremont, he falls in love with Queen Aufélise, he kills king Sinagon, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will jump over Emperor Hugo's palace wearing a full suit of armor and then burst out of the armor like it was made of straw, he is the guardian to Angelica, he and Charlemagne disguise themselves as pilgrims to spy on Thierry in Angers, he advises Charlemagne to banish Queen Blanchefleur instead of burning her alive, he negotiates peace between Charlemagne and the Emperor of Constantinople, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [KS] [LRF] [MA] [MO] [O] [OF] [OI] [OTD] [PC]

Norandino (Nur ed-Din) - King of Damascus and Syria, father of Saladin [OF] [OI]


Ocellus - Count of Nantes, French knight [HCG]

Odon of Langres (Oede, Eudes, Uedon, Odo, Otun) - Odon the bearded, French knight, father of Estolt of Langres, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [G] [GB] [KS] [OTD]

Odun of Marke - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights [KS]

Odorico - Disloyal friend of Zerbino [OF]

Ogier the Dane (Oddgier Danske, Holger Danske, Ugier) - Danish knight, son of King Godfrey of Denmark, father of Dudon, king of Dacia, he is taller than other men, he is a beautiful young man with curly blonde hair, his strength never fails him, he is sent by his father to Charlemagne as a hostage, he is held hostage by Charlemagne, he takes the Oriflamme from Alori and battles the Saracen army, he becomes Charlemagne's standard-bearer, he is knighted by Charlemagne, he fights a duel with Caraheut, Caraheut gives him the sword Cortain, he is ambushed by Danemont and is taken prisoner, he kills Brunamont in a joust and takes the horse Broiefort, he rides with Caraheut and Charlot against Feridan, he kills Zoilos, Jaskomin, and Svef, he kills Feridan, he and Caraheut free Gloriande, he returns to Paris and becomes Charlemagne's gonfalonier, he kills Salatiel, he kills King Gorhant, Charlemagne chooses him to watch over and protect the newly knighted young Roland, he fights in Lombardy alongside Roland and Oliver, he is wounded and Clarel sends him to Alfamie to be healed, he wants justice for the killing of his son by Charlot, he is banished from France and pursued by Charlemagne, he flees to the court of King Didier in Pavia, he is besieged for many years alone in his castle at Castel-Fort, he is taken prisoner by Turpin, his quarrel with Charlot is finally settled, he defeats the Saracen giant Bréhier and leads the French to victory, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will tear down the pillar of Emperor Hugo's palace so that it collapses, he jousts with Bertrand and is taken prisoner by Gaydon, he executes Balan the Almiran, he fights a duel with Varocher and learns that Queen Blanchefleur is still alive, he tells Charlemagne to make peace with the Emperor of Constantinople, his horse is Rondello, his sword is Cortain, he is buried at the Abbey of Saint Faro in Meaux, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [LRF] [MA] [MO] [O] [ODK] [OF] [OI] [OTD] [PC]

Olif - Daughter of Pépin and Bertha Broadfoot, sister of Charlemagne, mother of Landres, she marries King Hugon, she is falsely accused by Milun of adultery and of being a witch, her punishment is to be walled up inside a stone house full of worms and toads for seven years, her son frees her, she is proven innocent and goes to live in a convent [KS]

Olimpia - Daughter of the King of Holland, she loves Bireno [OF]

Oliver (Olivier) - French knight, Marquis of Vienne, Count of Auvergne, son of Renier of Genvres, nephew of Girart of Fraite, brother to Ziliante, Brandimarte, and Aude, husband to Gismonda, father of Grifone and Aquilante, he fights a duel with Roland during the siege of Vienne, he becomes the closest companion of Roland, he represents wisdom and moderation as opposed to his headstrong companion Roland, he and Roland lay siege to Nobilis, he travels to Saxony with Roland to fight Widukind, he fights in Lombardy alongside Roland and Ogier the Dane, carries the banner of Saint Dennis, his side is pierced by the lance of Esclamar of Damietta, he kills Esclamar, while still wounded he fights a duel against Fierabras and defeats him, he is outnumbered and captured by a Saracen army led by Sortibran, he is held in the prison of Aigremoine, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will make love to Emperor Hugo's daughter a hundred times in one night, he convinces Hugo's daughter to lie to her father about their night of lovemaking, his sword is Hauteclere, he is a general in the army of Charlemagne, he is a valiant soldier renowned for his strength and skill, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he asks Roland three times to blow his horn to summon aid, he kills Falsiron and Climborin, he received a deadly wound from Langalif, he kills Langalif, he attacks Roland by accident while wounded and blinded with blood, he dies at the battle of Roncevaux Pass, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [MA] [O] [OI] [OF] [PC] [SR] [WC]

Orage - Saracen dragoman, he runs faster than a camel, he is sent by Balan the Almiran to tell Galafre not to let the French cross the bridge of Mantible [F]

Oridante - Giant [OI]

Orrigille - Woman from Bactria, loved by Grifone [OF] [OI]

Orrilo - Robber demon [OF]

Ospiniel (Ospin) - Saracen king of Algarve, son of king Cadiel, nephew of Agolant, he is slain by Charles' army at Xantogne [A] [HCG] [KS]

Otachier - Son of King Philip of Hungary [OI]

Otone (Hatun of Alemannia, Otton of Spolia, Otun) - French knight, son of Naimon, his three brothers are Avorio, Avino, and Berlengiero, he is an earl, one of Charlemagne's first advisors, one of the Twelve Peers [GB] [KS] [MO] [O] [OI] [SR]

Otto (Otho) - Son of Bernard of Clermont, brother to Aymon, Girard of Fraite, and Milo, king of England, father of Astolfo [LRF] [MO] [OF] [OI]

Otuel (Otinel) - Saracen knight, son of Galien the Brave and Dia, nephew of Fernagul, he serves King Garsia, his sword is Curere, his horse is Migrados, he fights a duel with Roland, the Holy Spirit appears to him and he converts to Christianity, he is baptized, he marries Charlemagne's daughter Belesent, his priceless velvet surcoat cannot be burned and can provide healing, he fights a duel with Clarel, he kills Clarel, he kills King Garsia [KS]


Pantasilicor - King of Thessaly, captured and hung by Renaud [OI]

Pasitea - One of the three graces who appear to Renaud [OI]

Patriarch of Jerusalem - Leader of the Christian church in the east, he is expelled from Jerusalem and takes refuge in Constantinople [KS]

Paul - Bishop of Narbonne [HCG]

Pentalion of Trazza - Saracen knight [LRF]

Pépin the Short (Pipin, Pippin) - King of France, father of Charlemagne, father of Olif, son of Charles the Hammer, husband of Bertha Broadfoot, he is five and a half feet tall, he is short and ugly, he killed a lion with a lance when he was a young boy, he thinks that Aliste is Bertha, he orders three sergeants to take Bertha into the woods and kill her, he gets lost while hunting and discovers Bertha living at the manor of Simon the Voyer [A] [BGP] [G] [GB] [KS] [LRF] [OI]

Perodia - Queen of Liza [OI]

Perun - Pagan chieftain loyal to Widukind [KS]

Pharaon (Pharaoh) - King, owner of an enchanted helm [MA]

Philander - Brother to Hermonides [OF]

Pilïasi - Russian prince, defeated by Astolfo [OI]

Pinabel - Treacherous French knight, Count of the House of Mayence, son of Anselmo d’Altaripa, nephew of Ganelon who defends his uncle in trial by combat, he fights a trial combat with Thierry and is killed by him [G] [HCG] [KS] [OF] [OI]

Pincenart - King of a kingdom where it is never cold [A]

Polinesso - Duke of Albany, Scottish lord, treacherous knight, he and Ariodante are rivals for Ginevra's affection [OF]

Polinoro - Saracen knight, according to "Li Reali Francia" he is the original owner of Durendal, he is killed by Charlemagne [LRF]

Prasildo - Follower of Renaud, lord of Babylon and friend to Iroldo [OF] [OI]

Prester John - Ruler of the Nestorian Christian kingdom in Ethiopia [A]

Primerain - Innkeeper who houses Queen Blanchefleur in Hungary [MA]

Primitivus - Holy martyr with Facundus, Christian of León who was tortured and then beheaded on the banks of the River Cea [HCG]


Quinquennas (Kuinkuennas) - Pagan knight, king of Sarabla, he wears armor of seven colors, his horse was born in Wild Frisia and his saddle and bridle are from Elfland, he jousts with Berard of Montdidier and throws him from his horse, he is in love with Sibilia, he jousts with Roland and is defeated [KS]

Quintino - French knight [LRF]


Radamanto - Giant King of Moscow and Comano [OI]

Raimbaud of Frisia (Reinbald) - French knight, husband of Charlemagne's sister Belisent, brother-in-law of Charlemagne, sworn brother of Eim of Galicia, one of Charlemagne's first advisors, he kills Varner of Pierrepont in a duel [KS] [OTD]

Raimond of Toulouse (Reimund) - French knight [KS]

Raineri - Count of Altafoglia [OI]

Rainfroi (Ranfroi, Lanfroi, Reinfrei, Renfrei) - Treacherous French knight, older son of Pépin and Aliste, half-brother of Charlemagne, he poisons and kills Bertha Broadfoot, he and Heudri murder their father Pépin, he leads a plot to kill the young Charlemagne, his wife is Tungr, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [BGP] [KS] [LRF]

Rainieri - Son of Lucio Albino, he loses a fist fight with young Roland [LRF]

Rambaldo (Rampaldo) - Duke of Reggio, Puglia, and Calabria, descendant of Buovo, grandfather of Rogero [LRF] [OI]

Ranchiera - Giant [OI]

Raphael - An angel of God, with Gabriel and Michael he carries Roland's soul to heaven [KS]

Raymond of Trieva - French knight [LRF]

Razols of Mons (Riols of Le Mans) - French knight [F]

Remund - A squire, cousin of Fagon [KS]

Renaud of Montauban (Renault, Rinaldo, Renaut of Aubépin, Renaut of Aubespin, Arinalds of Albaspania, Romald, Rainaldus of Albo Spino, Rinaldo of the White Thorn) - French knight, oldest son of Aymon, brother of Bradamante, Guicciardo, Ricciardo, Ricciardetto and Alardo, nobleman from Montauban (Montalbano) of the House of Clermont, cousin of Anséis, Astolfo, and Roland, marquis of Aubépin, his horse is named Bayard (Baiardo), his sword is Fusberta, his wife is Clarice, his war-horn is named Bondino, he fights against Ferraut and then makes peace with him [FSA] [G] [HCG] [KS] [OF] [OI]

Renier of Genvres (Renier of Geneva, Ranier of Reims, Régnier of Gênes, Ramerus, Reyner, Reiner, Aemers, Reinbald of Calabria) - French knight, duke, fourth son of Girard of Fraite, brother of Bovon, Claron, and Ernaut, father of Oliver and Aude, Count of Pont-Élie, he argues with Aloris in favor of trying to rescue the Twelve Peers from the Tower of Aigremoine, he cuts off the legs of Galafre, he kills Sortibran, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [GB] [KS] [OI] [OTD]

Rezer of Irikun - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Ricciardetto - Son of Aymon, twin brother to Bradamante, brother to Renaud [OF] [OI]

Ricciardo - Son of Aymon [OF] [OI]

Richard of Normandy (Rikard the Old) - French knight, Duke of Normandy, he killed Corsuble, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he is sent from the tower to get help from Charlemagne, he kills Clarion and steals his horse, the waters of the Flagot rise miraculously and he follows a white deer who swims across, he plans to return across the bridge of Mantible disguised as merchants, one of the Twelve Peers [F] [G] [GB] [KS] [MO] [OI] [OTD]

Richer the German - Nephew of count Bérenger, cousin of king Desiderius, he fails in his quest against the griffin of Aspremont [A] [KS]

Richier - Younger son of Duke Naimon, brother of Bertrand, cousin of Thierry [G]

Richier of Le Mans (Richart of Mans) - French knight, brother-in-law of Charlemagne [KS] [OTD]

Rikard - Charlemagne's scribe, bishop of Miliens [KS]

Riol the Old - French knight, uncle of Thierry, Duke of Le Mans, vassal and wise advisor of Thierry [G]

Rispeus of Nantes - French knight, vassal of Thierry [G]

Rodbert - French knight, brother of Thierry, he is Charlemagne's stable master [KS]

Rodoan (Rodan) - Saracen knight, King of Egypt, he is killed by Naimon [A] [KS]

Rodomonte - Saracen King of Sarza and Algiers, son of King Ulieno, noted Saracen leader [OF] [OI]

Roger of Orleans - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Rogero of Reggio (Ruggiero) - Son of Rampaldo, brother-in-law of Charlemagne, husband of Galaciella, father of Rogero and Marfisa, killed by his treacherous brother Beltramo, he is an invincible hero whose body remains intact even after his death [A] [OF] [OI] Rogero (Ruggiero) - Noble Saracen knight, descendent of Alexander the Great and Hector of Troy, grandson of Agolant, grandson of Rampaldo, son of Ruggiero of Reggio and Galaciella, twin brother of Marfisa, his horse is Frontino, his sword is Balisarda, in love with Bradamante, he becomes a Christian and weds Bradamante, with Bradamante he founds the House of Este [A] [OF] [OI]

Roland (Rolandin, Rollant, Orlando, Orlandino, Roolando) - Nephew of Charlemagne and Aymon, son of Milo of Anglante and Bertha the Second, Lord of the Breton March, Count of Brava, Count of Mans and Lord of Guienne, Count of Ornonia, Lord of Anglante, cousin of Anséis, Astolfo, and Renaud, he was born into povery in cave near Sutri, he wins many games, battles, and wrestling matches against the other children, his coat of arms is divided into four quarters of red and white, he takes food from Charlemagne's table, he joins the army that lays siege to Vienne, he fights a duel with Oliver during the siege of Vienne, he is betrothed to Aude, Oliver is his companion, according to Karlamagnus Saga Charlemagne gives him the sword Durendal, he and Oliver lay siege to Nobilis, he conquers Nobilis, he travels to Cologne to help Charlemagne in the war against the Saxons, he takes the city of Germasie, he crosses the Rhine at a ford and is seriously wounded in a battle with the Saxons, he jousts with Quinquennas and defeats him, he kills Elmidan and takes his sword, according to one part of Karlamagnus Saga he wins the horn Olifant from the pagan Elmidan, he blows his horn at Trémoigne and the walls of the city fall down, he and Oliver kill King Ful, Charlemagne punches him and bloodies his nose as punishment for killing King Ful, his step-mother Geluviz disguises herself and sleeps with him, he has been left in France because he is too young for war, he escapes from his guardians and joins the army just in time to save Charlemagne from Aumont, he rides with many other young knights to the battle of Aspremont, he takes Aumont's horse Veillantif, the sword Durendal, and the horn Olifant, he is knighted by Charlemagne who girds him with the sword Durendal, he is the most feared knight in the world and is the champion of Christianity, Charlemagne puts the young knights of Aspremont under his command, Saint George prophecies that he will never feel fear or speak idle threats, he kills Acart of Flors, he kills Agolant, he battles and debates theology with the giant Ferracute before he kills him, leader of the young barons who form the vanguard of Charlemagne's army, he fights with Oliver against the army of Fierabras, he has a quarrel with his uncle Charlemagne and refuses to duel Fierabras, he fights a duel with Otuel, he fights in Lombardy alongside Oliver and Ogier the Dane, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will blow a horn so loudly that the gates will spring open and Emperor Hugo's beard and clothes will be blown off his body, he spends seven years in Spain fighting for Charlemagne, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, in love with Angelica, his sword is Durendal, his horse is Brigliadoro, he went by the name Rotolante at the Cyprus tournament, he is left behind to lead the rearguard when Charlemagne's army returns to France, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he refuses to blow his horn to summon aid, he kills Adalroth, Chernuble, Valdabrun, and Grandoine, he blows the horn Olifant to summon Charlemagne when he is near defeat, he cuts off the right hand of Marsilius, he kills Jurfaleu, Oliver attacks him by accident while wounded and blinded with blood, he falls into a swoon at Oliver's death, he is one of the last three French knights to be killed at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he gathers the bodies of his fallen comrades and brings them to Turpin to deliver their last rites, he tries and fails to break Durendal on a rock, he dies from his wounds, confesses his sins, and angels carry his soul to heaven, he lived for six lustres and eight years (thirty-eight years), one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [MA] [MO] [O] [OF] [OI] [PC] [SR] [WC]

Romaricus (Romaticus) - French knight who gives money to the poor when he dies, his ghost appears to his kinsman in a dream to punish him for a misspent inheritance [HCG] [KS]

Rozer - Archbishop of Trivers, he gives Charles the name "Charlemagne" at his confirmation [KS]


Sacripant (Sacripante) - Saracen King of Circassia, in love with Angelica, his horse is Frontilate, renamed Frontino by Rogero [OF] [OI]

Sadone (Sodome) - Saracen king, a tall and strong Nubian warrior, son of the Emir Quiquevant, his horse is Bruant, he agrees to joust with Charlot, he argues with Galatien and knocks three of his teeth out, he is granted freedom after the battle of Rome [KS] [OTD]

Saint Architriclin - Saint at whose wedding Jesus turned water into wine [G]

Saint Clement - Pope Clement I, bishop of Rome in the first century [BGP]

Saint Demetrius - Knight of God, Greek Christian martyr who was run through with spears in Thessaloniki, during the Christian persecutions under the emperor Galerius, he descends from heaven with Saint George and Saint Mercurius, one of three saints who appear at Aspremont and ride into battle with the French [A] [KS]

Saint Denis - Patron saint of Paris and France, he was the Bishop of Paris, third century martyr, he was decapitated and then picked up his head and walked several miles while preaching a sermon, his banner is a dragon [A] [BGP] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS]

Saint Dionysius - Athenian judge who lived in the first century, he was converted to Christianity by Paul the Apostle [KS]

Saint George - Knight of God, venerated Christian soldier who defeated a dragon, he descends from heaven with Saint Demetrius and Saint Mercurius, one of three saints who appear at Aspremont and ride into battle with the French, he grants Roland the opportunity to strike first in battle, he prophecies that Roland will never feel fear or speak idle threats [A] [G] [KS]

Saint Germain - Bishop of Paris in the 6th century, known for giving generously to the poor [BGP]

Saint Honoré (Honoratus) - Seventh bishop of Amiens [A] [G]

Saint James (Santiago, Jacobus) - Disciple of Jesus, brother of John, patron saint of Spain, he was beheaded by King Herod, his remains are held in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, his shrine in Compostello contains wood from the Holy Cross and precious gems that have been hidden deep beneath the earth, he appears upon Charlemagne's death and helps him get into heaven [GB] [HCG] [KS]

Saint John - Disciple of Jesus, brother of James, author of one of the gospels [HCG]

Saint John the Baptist - Prophet who baptizes Jesus in the river Jordan [F] [KS]

Saint Lazarus - Lazarus of Bethany, Jesus restored him to life four days after his death, the head of Saint Lazarus is one of the relics given to Charlemagne [A] [GB] [KS]

Saint Malo - Welsh monk who fled to Brittany, battle cry of the Bretons [A]

Saint Mary (Marie, La Virgene, La Vierge) - The Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, milk, clothes, and a shoe from Saint Mary are some of the relics given to Charlemagne [A] [BGP] [F] [G] [KS] [PC]

Saint Mercurius - Knight of God, Saracen soldier who became a Christian saint and martyr, his spear is one of the relics Charlemagne brings to France from the Holy Land, he descends from heaven with Saint Demetrius and Saint George, one of three saints who appear at Aspremont and ride into battle with the French [A] [KS]

Saint Michael - Angel who descends from heaven armed with a lightning bolt, he settles the quarrel between Ogier and Charlot [OTD]

Saint Nicolas - Greek Bishop of Myra in the 4th century [BGP]

Saint Omer (Audomar) - Bishop of Thérouanne, after whom nearby Saint-Omer in northern France was named [A]

Saint Peter (Père, Pierre) - Apostle of Jesus who was crucified with his head down in Rome, founder of the church in Rome [A] [F] [GB] [HCG] [KS]

Saint Rémi - Bishop of Reims and Apostle of the Franks in the 5th century, he baptised Clovis I King of the Franks [BGP]

Saint Richard (Richier) - Pilgrim who led his family on a pilgrimage and died en route to the Holy Land [BGP] [F]

Saint Sebastian - Christian martyr who was tied to a tree and shot with arrows, though this did not kill him, later he was clubbed to death, protector against Bubonic plague [GB]

Saint Severinus (Severin, Seurin) - Parton saint of Bordeaux [HCG]

Saint Simeon - Man of Jerusalem who met Mary and Joseph as they entered the temple and took the baby Jesus in his arms, the arm of Saint Simeon is one of the relics given to Charlemagne [KS]

Saint Stephen - The blood of Saint Stephen is one of the relics given to Charlemagne [KS]

Saint Suzanne - Saint who was accused by a false witness [G]

Salatiel (Salatielo) - Saracen king of Africa, noble, rich, and full of treachery, he wields a club and uses posion arrows, he is killed by Ogier the Dane [A] [KS] [LRF]

Salatré - Saracen king [GB]

Salomon of Brittany (Salamone, Solomon, Sølmund) - King of Brittany, Astolfo's friend and companion, companion of Estout [A] [G] [KS] [LRF] [MO] [OI] [OTD]

Salvius (Sallinus) - Bishop of Amiens, he performed many miracles, he was against the heretical beliefs of Arianism, he is killed by Vinigard, his body is buried in Saint Martin's Church [KS]

Samson of Monbrant - Saracen knight, brother of Clarel, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Sanquino - Duke of Ireland, bastard son of Bernard of Clermont [LRF]

Sanson of Burgundy (Samson, Sampson, Sansone, Sanse) - French knight, Duke of Burgundy, Duke of Valence, of Picardy, father of Guy of Burgundy, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Almaçur of Moriane, he is killed by Valdabrun, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [OTD] [SR] [WC]

Sansonetto - Heathen convert, viceroy to Charlemagne, and guardian of the Holy Places [OF]

Saturnine - Bishop of Toulouse [HCG]

Savari - French knight, he is honorable in spite of being the son of Hertaut, after his father's death he serves Gaydon [G]

Scarapino - One of Maugris’ demons [OI]

Segbert of Salzburg - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Segun of Trémoigne - Pagan knight, standard-bearer of Widukind [KS]

Serpentino - Nephew of King Marsilius [OI]

Sibilia - Wife of Widukind, Queen of Saxony, her husband beats her, Alkain is her lover, she give a golden staff to Alkian as a token of her love, she dismisses Alkain and loves Baldwin instead [KS]

Siliven - Old wise woman who takes care of Landres after he is banished [KS]

Silvanella - Fairy [OI]

Simon - Pope in Rome [OTD]

Simon the Voyer (Lambert) - Lord of the manor of Florimès, husband of Constance, father of Eglante and Isabelle, a voyer is a lord in charge of low and middle justice, according to Li Reali Francia he was a hunter named Lambert, he finds Bertha Broadfoot lost in the woods and gives her shelter in his home, he is knighted by Pépin, his coat of arms is a gold fleur-de-lys on an azure field, he becomes lord of the county of Le Mans [BGP] [LRF]

Sinagon (Sinagon of Faraonia) - Saracen king of Halape and Antioch, he is killed by Naimon [A] [LRF]

Soldan of Babylon - Unnamed Sultan of Persia [HCG]

Sofrosina - One of Logistilla’s ladies, (symbolising chastity) in company with Andronica (courage), Dicilla (honesty), and Fronesia (wisdom) [OF]

Soldanus - Saracen knight [LRF]

Sorbrin (Sorbrino) - King of Algoco and Garbo, saracen spy, adviser of Agolant who lived for a year at Charlemagne's court [A] [OI]

Sortibran of Coïmbre - Sarcen knight, he leads an army that captures Oliver, he is Balan the Almiran's master counselor, he is killed by Renier [F]

Spinardo - Treacherous French knight [LRF]

Stella - Wife to Grifone [OI]

Stordilano - King of Granada, father of Doralice [OF] [OI]

Svef - Saracen King of Mongandium, standard-bearer of Feridan, he kills Zabulon, he kills Danemont, he is killed by Ogier [KS]


Tamer - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Tankemar of Venso - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Tenas of Nubie - Saracen knight, nephew of Balan the Almiran [F]

Teodoro - King of Armenia, lover of Doristella [OI]

Teorfa - Brother of Geoffrey of Mundegio, knighted by Roland, his horse is Kastalein [KS]

Tervagant (Termagant, Trevigant, Terogant) - Saracen deity, often considered as part of a trinity, one of four idols carried by the army of Aumont [A] [F] [KS] [MO]

Texephin (Texphin) - Saracen king of Arabia [HCG] [KS]

Theodora - Sister of Constantine [OF]

Theodosius - Ancient Roman emperor, father of Arcadius, he passes laws against the heretical beliefs of Arianism [KS]

Thibaut (Tiebaut) - Treacherous French knight, son of Griffon, brother of Ganelon, lord of Aspremont and Hautefeuille, treacherous French knight, his horse is Bausant, he is skilled in necromancy, he poisons some apples and sends them to Charlemagne as a gift from Thierry, he is killed and beheaded by Thierry in a duel [G] [GB]

Thierry - Chamberlain of Pépin [BGP]

Thierry of Ardennes (Thierri, Tierri, Thiorin, Téric, Drefia, Thierri the Angevin, Theodoric, Gaydon) - French knight, son of Geoffrey the Angevin, nephew of Naimon, his mother is Naimon's sister, nephew of Salomon, father of Berard of Montdidier, French duke from Normandy, Duke of Angers, Count of Sens, friend of Charlemagne, close friend of Roland, he dubs as knights Baldwin, Berard, Gillimer the Scot, and Duke Bovi, he bestows knighthood on Charlot while Charlemagne is in Italy, he is beseiged in the tower of Aigremoine, he wins the horse Clinevent at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he escapes the battle of Roncevaux Pass and witnesses the death of Roland, he killed Pinabel in a duel at Ganelon's trial and then a jay landed on his helm giving him the nickname Gaydon, traitors claim that he sent Charlemagne poisoned apples, Charlemagne goes into battle against him, many battles occur between the knights who remain loyal to Charlemagne and the knights who side with Thierry, many of the knights who join with Thierry are the sons of Charlemagne's older knights, he makes peace with Charlemagne, an angel warns him about the traitors' plot to abduct Charlemagne and kill him, he loves Claresme and visits her in her tent, he flees with Claresme to Angers, he makes peace with Charlemagne, he rescues Charlemagne when he is abducted by Gui of Hautefeuille and Alori, he becomes the seneschal of France, he is married to Claresme, after the death of Claresme he becomes a hermit, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [OTD] [WC]

Thraso - Duke of Marra [OF]

Tibert - Treacherous French knight, cousin of Aliste, he takes Bertha into the woods to kill her, he is prevented from killing her by Morant, he brings Margiste the heart of a pig instead, he is dragged to death by horses as punishment for the plot to kill Bertha Broadfoot [BGP]

Tibiano - King of Cyprus and Rhodes, father of Lucina [OI]

Tolomeo - Treacherous French knight [LRF]

Tornafer of Baudrac - Saracen knight, he is a king, he is killed by Roland [F]

Trïamodés (Triamondes) - Saracen king of Valorie, son of King Bramante, nephew of Agolant, uncle of Aumont, he is killed by Bérenger the Briton [A] [KS] [LRF]

Tribuat - Saracen knight, he is a king [F]

Troiano (Trojano, Troyano) - Son of king Agolant, brother of Aumont and Galaciella, father of Agramante, king of Turkey and Armenia [A] [LRF] [OF] [OI]

Trophimus - Bishop of Arles [HCG]

Truffaldino - Villainous character slain by Renaud [OI]

Tungr - Wife of Rainfroi, she becomes the wife of Basin after her husband's death [KS]

Turgis of Tortolosa - Saracen knight, one of twelve pagan knights who fight against the Twelve Peers at Roncevaux, he is killed by Anséis [KS] [SR]

Turlone - Giant [OI]

Turpin - Brother of Earl Hatun, Archbishop of Reims, monk at the abbey of Saint Denis, he was a monk in Normandy for ten years before he became an Archbishop, he is Charlemagne's chancellor, one of Charlemagne's first advisors, warrior priest, alleged author of the "History of Charles the Great and Orlando" also known as "Turpin's Chronicle", he is short in stature, he carries the True Cross into battle at Aspremont where it shines like the sun and terrifies the pagans, he keeps Ogier prisoner in his dungeon but feeds him well and plays chess with him every day, he crosses the Rhine at a ford and battles the Saxons, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will cause the rivers to overflow their banks and fill the city so that Emperor Hugo must flee to the highest tower, he performs this miracle with the assistance of God, he converts the Saracens of Spain to Christianity, he fights in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he kills Corsablis, Malquiant, and Abisme, his horn is named Mundide, he is one of the last three French knights to be killed at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he delivers the last rites to his fallen comrades, he dies from his wounds, he outlives all the other knights of Charlemagne, when Charlemagne dies he sees a vision in which Saint James helps him get into heaven, one of the Twelve Peers [A] [F] [G] [GB] [HCG] [KS] [O] [OF] [OI] [OTD] [PC] [SR] [WC]


Ugone the Piter - French knight [LRF]

Uldano - King of Denmark, cousin of Ogier the Dane [OI]

Ulien (Uliano) - Former Saracen King of Sarza, nephew and messenger of Agolant, father of Rodomonte, companion of Galindre, he has a white beard and gold earrings, he rides a swift horse, he carries a gold-enamelled shield, he advises going to war in Spain, one of the twenty kings who follow Agolant, he and Galindre are sent to demand that Charlemagne surrender to Agolant, he receives Aumont's severed head in reply, he and Mandaquin deliver a death sentence on Maargon and Esperrant [A] [KS] [LRF] [OF]

Ullania - Lady sent on embassy from the Queen of Iceland [OF]

Ungiardo - Liegeman of the Emperor Constantine [OF]

Urabell (Bacales) - Saracen king of Alexandria [HCG] [KS]


Vadalin of Brittany - One of twelve treacherous French knights who plot with Rainfroi to kill Charlemagne, he is beheaded as punishment for his plot [KS]

Vaker of Kornelia - French knight, one of Charlemagne's first twenty knights [KS]

Valdabrun (Valdibrun, Valdebrun) - Saracen knight, he gives Ganelon a sword bearing the image of Makon, he conquered the city of Jerusalem, his horse is named Gradamunt, he kills Sanson, he is killed by Roland [KS]

Valter of Terins - French knight [KS]

Varner of Muntasaragia (Garnier of Montargis) - Father of Ermengarde [KS]

Varner of Pierrepont - Treacherous French knight, brother of one of the traitors who plotted with Rainfroi, he rises up against Charlemagne, he is killed in a duel by Raimbaud the Frisian [KS]

Varocher - Woodcutter who finds Queen Blanchefleur in the forest, he joins the army of Constantinople against Charlemagne, he steals horses from Charlemagne's camp, he is knighted by the Emperor of Constantinople, his enchanted helm was once owned by King Pharaon, he fights a duel against Ogier the Dane in which he tells him that Queen Blanchefleur is still alive, he returns home to his wife and children as a wealthy man [MA]

Vatran - King of the Bulgars [OF]

Vinant of Lamburg - French knight, he educates Adaliz [KS]

Vinigard (Vuinegardus) - Thief who killed Salvius and stole his golden belt [KS]

Vivian of the Staff (Viviano, Vivien) - Son of Lanfusa and Beuves of Aigremont, brother to Aldigier and Maugris [G] [OF] [OI]

Vulterinus Garinus - Duke of Lorraine, French knight [HCG]


Walter of the Olive Trees - French knight [HCG]

Wayland (Galant, Galans, Galaus) - Brother of Aurizans and Murificans, according to Karlamagnus Saga he was an English smith who forged the three legendary swords Almace, Cortana, and Durendal, according to Fierabras he was a smith who forged the three swords Froberge, Hauteclere, and Joyeuse [F] [KS]

William of Teres - French knight, brother of Gautier [KS]

William Short-Nose (William of Orange, Villifer, Vilhjalm Korneis, Guillaume Court Nez) - French knight, son of Aymeri, relative of Charlemagne, he travels to Constantinople with Charlemagne, he boasts that he will throw a golden ball, so big that thirty men could not lift it, at the city wall and knock it down, he performs this miracle with the assistance of God, he is given a kingdom to rule but gives it up to become a monk, he takes the place of Grimaldus in battle, he kills Madul, after his death he appears to Grimaldus in a dream and reveals the resting place of his body, Charlemagne builds a church on the site [KS] [PC]

Widukind (Witikind, Wittekind, Guitalkin, Guitalin, Gvitalín, Guiteclin, Vitakind) - King of Saxony, brother of Elmidan, nephew of Estorgant, he claims that Charlemagne is not Pépin's legitimate son, he leads his army to battle against Charlemagne, his banner depicts a golden rooster which shines in the sun, after the defeat of his armies he is taken prisoner by Baldwin, he is taken to France in chains and dies while still a prisoner [A] [KS]


Yon (Ivon) - King of Bordeaux [LRF]


Zabulon - Saracen knight, son of Jaskomin, brother of Zoilos, his hand is cut off by Charlot, he flees and tells Feridan of the death of his father and brother, he is killed by Svef [KS]

Zebedee - Father of Saint James and John the Evangelist [HCG]

Zerbino - Duke of Ross, son of the Scottish king, brother to Ginevra, knight of Scotland who carries Roland's arms and armor during Roland's madness, loved by Isabella [OF]

Ziliante - Brother of Brandimarte, Oliver, and Aude, their father was Monodante [OF]

Zoilos - Saracen knight, son of Jaskomin, brother of Zabulon, he is killed by Ogier [KS]


[A] : Aspremont
[BGP] : Berthe au Grand Pied
[F] : Fierabras
[FSA] : Four Sons of Aymon
[G] : Gaydon
[GB] : Gui de Bourgogne
[HCG] : History of Charles the Great and Orlando
[LRF] : Li Reali di Francia
[MA] : Macaire
[MO] : Morgante
[KS] : Karlamagnus Saga
[O] : Otinel
[ODK] : Olger Danskes Kronike
[OF] : Orlando Furioso
[OI] : Orlando Innamorato
[OTD] : Ogier the Dane
[PC] : Pilgrimage of Charlemagne
[SR] : Song of Roland
[WC] : Weihenstephan Chronicle


Aspremont - French

Aspremont, Louis Brandin, 1925

Berthe au Grand Pied, Louis Brandin, 1924

Chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche (Knighthood of Ogier the Dane) - French

La Chevalier Ogier de Danamarche, Raimbert de Paris, 1812

Doon de Maience (Doon of Mayence) - French

Les Anciens Poètes De La France Volume 2: Doon de Maience, François Guessard, 1859

Enfances Ogier (Childhood of Ogier the Dane) - French

Les Enfances Ogier, Adenet le Roi, 1874

Fierabras - French

Fierabras, Mary Lafon, 1857

Four Sons of Aymon - English

Foure Sonnes of Aymon, Early English Text Society, 1885

Gaufrey (Godfrey) - French

Les Anciens Poètes De La France Volume 3: Gaufrey, François Guessard, 1859

Gaydon - French

Les Anciens Poètes De La France Volume 7: Gaydon, François Guessard, 1862

Girart de Vienne (Gerard of Vienne) - English

Girart de Vienne, Bertrand de Bar-Sur-Aube, translated by Michael A. Newth, 1999

Gui de Bourgogne (Guy of Burgundy) - French

Les Anciens Poètes De La France Volume 1: Gui de Bourgogne - Otinel - Floovant, François Guessard, 1858

History of Charles the Great and Orlando (Archbishop Turpin's Chronicle) - English

History of Charles the Great and Orlando, Thomas Rodd, 1812

Karlamagnus Saga - Danish

Karlamagnus Saga Ok Kappa Hans, Carl Rikard Unger, 1860

Les Infortunes d'Ogier le Danois - French

Les Infortunes d'Ogier le Danois (The Misfortunes of Ogier the Dane), Marie Butts, 1913

Macaire - French

Les Anciens Poètes De La France Volume 9: Macaire, François Guessard, 1866

Morgante: Cantos 1-13 - Italian

Morgante, Luigi Pulci, 1914

Morgante: Cantos 14-21 - Italian

Morgante, Luigi Pulci, 1914

Orlando Innamorato - English

Orlando Innamorato, Matteo Boiardo and Francesco Berni, translated by William Stewart Rose, 1823

Pélerinage De Charlemagne (Pilgrimage of Charlemagne) - French

Le Pélerinage De Charlemagne, Anna Cooper, 1925

Reali di Francia (Royalty of France) - Italian

Li Reali di Francia, Andrea da Barberino, 1821